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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Hi Zach, nice to meet ya!
  2. Well hiello there, fellow Slav. Welcome.
  3. Nothing says frozen delight more than a bottle of ice.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Feels like I'm in Antarctica!


      @Sparky Go back to Greenland where you belong!

    2. Delpen9


      *Eats Klondike bar* *Wounds up on a glacier*

  4. Warning, grenades are closer than they appear.

    1. Delpen9


      It's too bad we can't read this on the Warthogs' side mirrors.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Tell that to Jurrasic Park.

  5. Some people are here to build the world up for the better... Others wish to see it in ruins...

    1. Yoshi1176
    2. Gemini Dragons

      Gemini Dragons

      I am a little bit of both, sorry.

  6. OMG, way to go Marine! After your recent boom in activity in the community, you've done a lot to earn this title. You call yourself dumb, but look at you now. I'm so proud.
  7. Of course, how else can I boot people I don't like? Plus it makes for very entertaining clips and fails. :3 And reactions at times, but there is a point where it is just rude. That's why booting needs to be stricter.
  8. Yes, actually. Pretty good so far, kinda vague in a few spots, but being a new series, that has to be expected. The animation is a bit too reminiscent of RvB's in movements, if you pay attention to the hands, but that's not a big gripe. Hopefully the story advances a bit more, kind of patchy here and there.
  9. They no longer need a full clip to combust, but the projectile attraction to the opponent seems to have decreased, as I no longer find it as simple to lock onto targets with it as in previous games. So it has an equalizer.
  10. If they are executed much more efficiently, as in halo 4 they were a bit..... Simple. Just an extra rank, making it a very boring advancement to basic rewards that may or may no be used. If they are to be reinstated, I would prefer them to be unlocked by the use of commendations, a way for everyone to gain them according to their own skillset rather than waiting in line for it to be accessible. I found this with some armors and stances, as it feels much more rewarding to earn them through hard work.
  11. Hey hey, Amateur. Welcome to the community, hope to see ya around. :3
  12. Hmhm... a little plastic surgery never hurt. It's not like it'll blow up in their face... oh wait.
  13. Because I trust too much, randoms have little care. But you and I have different views, reciprocal, if you will. Chances for us agreeing are slim right now, lol.
  14. True, Fishy. But to an assassination fanatic like me, it's not very appealing. False, as I cannot stop someone who is so desperate for a kill from doing so, especially while in the middle of one... But accidents happen... The only exception, lol.
  15. Yoinking, it's not just being mean... It's a crime.
  16. I'll give you 15 reasons why these were great choices, way to go.
  17. In 188 replies... You only got to 81? 82.
  18. Banned for clumping up two reasons, while simultaneously, flashing a smug smiley face.
  19. OMG, such avy, much Drizzy.

    1. TDM


      The Top Lel.

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