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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Mm.... I already have mine, but there is one more... Though impossible for me. :3 Helmet: Fotus Torso: Wetwork (Default) Left/Right Shoulders: Tracker Forearms: Contoured Legs: Narrow RPTR Visor: Tracker Colors Primary/Secondary: White/Cobalt
  2. Perhaps... Must make sure if I'm free. :3 GT: Spark918
  3. Lol, I was just browsing through members yesterday and remembered you. XD Welcome back.
  4. Yes, as much as I hate that it always gets picked instead of medal madness, or binary slayer, etc... I actually like it for the commendation values that it has. I would have never obtained the splaser kills I needed to complete ordnance mastery if it weren't for it. :/
  5. Hi again, RT! It's been a while. :3
  6. 1) ODST Sharpshooter 2) DMR 3) Combat Knife 4) ODST Armor, helmet outfitted with HU/RS. Lightning bolt painted on side of the helmet, gold visor, primary black and secondary Cerulean. Left arm is a bare prosthetic. 5) Active Camo 6) none 7) Fauz ETC: Silentish, likes poetry, long walks on the beach... Slightly flamboyant. :3
  7. Hi Doctor! Hope you stick around with us and get to know the people here. :3
  8. Hi hi there! Nice to meet you! Looking forward into getting to know you as well.
  9. I will cease to be as active in the next week, trips and stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      have a great time Sparky! We'll miss you.

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Lol, I already went, silly. :3

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower



      That was a senior moment...

  10. Well hiya Alpha! Nice to meet you! And I hope you hang around, it's a very nice community.
  11. Sadly Just AL


    Absodidly never. I hate yoinks, and being a ninja and an overall lover of assassinations, I would definitely not want it to be done to me... Nor do I get the satisfaction of taking another's kill... Unless I EXTREMELY dislike that person. ...But stray frags may do something unintentionally...
  12. Halo 3 Anniversary? That's a no go. The game is already perfect, graphics and gameplay wise. So making it would be fairly useless in my opinion. Don't ruin the nostalgia that it has in its current state.
  13. Good luck Zag, I hope it goes well and that you won't be under a lot of stress and trouble throughout this period of financial low. God didn't put anything in your life that you can't overcome, so I'm sure you'll end up just fine.
  14. I never got a chance to get to know you better... :c But here's hoping that our paths cross again, until then good luck.
  15. Love the avy! :3

    1. Minuette


      Thanks! You too. *Flirtatious face*

  16. RvB season 12 Trailer!
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