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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. 1) Going left is usually the right way to go in any situation that you can encounter, but the right is too overrated so people will obviously be all over it. 2) Gorgeous skies, a serene hue that is both calming and exciting at the same time, calling your limits with its endless appearance. 3) The aggravating shade of the mental impulse of hatred. 4) H20, the flavor of absolute refreshment, tastes like life. Flavor of neutral, cannot be good nor bad in any situation, with no stench, no odor..... No color. Completely unbiased.
  2. Congrats Un34se!!! It's your month so go nuts!
  3. 343 Guilty Spark! He was quite a broken light switch with siding, only influenced by his duties and regulations to take the drastic measures that he had done during the storyline. Not to mention he has quite a nice and dapper personality that I find comical in dire situations. A perplexing history behind the light bulb makes him also a very intricate and complex character, not another cliche adversary in a Deus Ex Machina. But Promethean enemies..... I loved the crawler, something new. Not the before seen bipeds or avian opponents that were already made in CE... And they were kinda adorable. :3
  4. Well hiya Dukey, if you are affiliated with Boss you must be a fun person to be around. Nice to meet you.
  5. Salutations! Care to exchange turn signals? But nice to meet you, Mach.
  6. Future emoticons??? A definite possibility.
  7. Sounds like Caboose is...... Primed and ready.
  8. The fastest way is Spartan Ops matchmaking, as it is about 5000+ XP per game. Other than that, challenges help, so always try to the weekly ones.
  9. Срећан Рођендан!!!
  10. Well a happy B-Day to your fav community!

  11. Name: The Slick Primary Weapon: BR Secondary Weapon: Magnum. Grenade: Frags AA: Thruster pack. Tactical Package: Resupply Support Upgrade: Dexterity. Deadeye all the way, in conjunction with Black and white scheme. Remember, it may say the BR is your primary weapon, but your true tool is the Spartan blade. Optimal for rumble pit.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Krusty Krab pizza is the pizza for you and me!!

    2. Delpen9


      Maestro should really comment on this. hehe that nose

  13. Food Sentinels. Infected Avians with forerunner weapons, sentinel beams preferably. Be entertaining to have another flying enemy that isn't a pain like the watchers were.
  14. Forerunner ordnance, done. Believe stance acquired.... Done for the day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      yay Sparky! you can join me with the believe stance and now the other forum users will believe in our Halo skills (pun intended)

    3. Sadly Just AL
    4. TDM


      I'm quite Determined to put Believe away. ;)

  15. I would love to see this actually... Better than the rubbish we get on TV nowadays, especially on the discovery channel when they take a word and put "Pawn" after it and say it's a series that they fund.
  16. Agreeable, as the forging in halo 3 took a lot more skill than the regular environments and physics that spoiled us in the later games. To make platforms float now, you just spawn it, in halo 3 you had to macgyver it with teleporters. Tricks were the old tools.
  17. Best forge? I'm pretty sure that question is pretty obvious. As much as they had made the Halo 4 forge a ton easier to use with the implementation of magnets, duplication tools, and the lock feature... It's still quite a pain to utilize at times. Mostly because the magnets will mingle with every other magnet on the map so it takes a bit to line up the pieces you want correctly, and every time you use the bumpers, they are a lot more sensitive causing the block you're trying to equalize to move up and down much more vigorously. This fact bringing up the lack of the fine editing tool when you zoom in on the element and while you move it, it will move very slowly, making it simple for construction of very difficult alignments. And of course... There is no forge without forge SPACE... Unfortunately the halo 4 areas were too small, terrain that is a bit too uneven and unproportional to make use of in most areas. Even though we were given Forge Island... It is still a beta element, as it has no terrain to work with, blatantly a flat land. That is why my vote will be given to the Reach forge. The editing was not AS easy as Halo 4, but it was a ton more fun and genuine, the pieces were very nice looking with the forerunner chrome design that synergize with one another very well. The fine editing tool helps where magnets had in a way failed, especially with the size of the forge area we were given with Forge World. It was beautiful, aesthetic, full of nice terrain and topography, and overall a fantastic place to not only forge, but to just have fun dropping tanks on one another.
  18. Well hiya Doom. :spiteful: Nice too meet you. :3
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