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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Forerunners VS Timelords. I'd love to see that happen, watch two ancient civilizations go head to head in war.... Or just have brunch. :3
  2. Hiya Jesse, nice to meet you!
  3. Hiello there, Shun. How are you?
  4. Well hiya there. :3 I've only seen you segments before, but hopefully will get to know you better now.
  5. Nice to meet you too. :3
  6. Well hiello Kilroy! What's going on?
  7. To be honest, this gametype was actually really fun, a change from the atrocities such as QuickDraw and Klang of the Hill which are simple lazy gametypes. :/ But I have to say they've outdone themselves this time, and hope they can make more entertaining additions like this one was. Though I will say, I have a mini gripe on the assassination mode. They should remove the camo as no one can see what they're doing, not to mention everyone camps at that point.
  8. Ranger eh? Sneaky ol' carpetbagger.
  9. Didn't grow up with too much gaming back in Serbia.... So my list is kinda short.... And maybe has games you've never heard of... -The Neverhood -Automaderse -Duck Hunt -Mata Nui Online Game -Bionicle: The Game -Bionicle Heroes -Minesweeper -__- -Solitaire And yeah.
  10. Why? You are a really nice person to talk to but if you want to go, I won't argue nor call you a carpetbagger. I understand you want to concern yourself with more important matters, which is fine... The forum doesn't put bread on the table. It's just you'll be missed.... Come back sometime. Please?
  11. I could not help but notice..... The enter key is still its substantially enormous size. They can put a keyboard on nothing and still overlook the primitives.... Great article by the way.
  12. Looky here! Spyro is pink! Now the whole chain of three is complete, way to go Spyro!
  13. Hiya Minionz! Welcome to the family. How's it going?
  14. Hi Mattias! Welcome to the community!
  15. LOL, not really. My story was when I was muuuuch younger, still in Serbia.... when I used to think we were all wired up and had electrical wires and works in our bodies instead of organic tissues.... hence the heart zapper. I called it the 'Spark of life'... best translation and I stuck with that name. Plus electrical science is the best science.... #TeslaCoil XD Nah, Tesla had nothing to do with it.... and yeah. .... But the 918 is spot on.
  16. ODSTs. Helljumpers always make the mission great, since they last longer than an actual marine and are well armed.... Not the Assault Rifle on a Mythic elite, that's not preparation. But if an old Spartan was shown... As Zebra here had hypothesized... Maybe an ally from the past to coop with, could definitely synergize immensely with both ideas, they just need to be executed correctly.
  17. Heart breaking. The training curriculum for officers doesn't involve discernment of objects in hand that can be similar to weapons but are benign, as seen by what has transpired there..... Life lost in such a small issue. They need to take this into mind, so no more people die for no reason.
  18. Salutations kind folks! Care to exchange turn signals? How be life chilly willying in the homie gee of the bro pad in on this fresh day of the gangsta land town? Bre?
  19. Saw the Lego movie! /uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png" />

    1. Is not JL
    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      I'm either furious, or SOOOOOO *Bleep*ing happy that it's the best movie I've seen in like... four years.

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