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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Alrighty then.... In my opinion, I think that it should just be halo 2 servers rebooted on Xbox One and/if 360.... Or just upgrade the graphics in general, and this time, use the ACTUAL Halo 2 multiplayer not an upgrade for Halo 4 or Halo: Next (previous, nor present), because I'm sure veterans would love to see the matchmaking experience they grew up with and of course the new to touch one of the most gorgeous pieces of halo artillery. Also do NOT set skulls to be activated in the beginning... Halo 2 was fun to scavenge for a one time use. And no Easter egg removal, if there is, they better be replaced by something very impressive.
  2. Very good. Thank you for asking!!!
  3. Hiya there Craig! How's it going? :3
  4. I'm sorry you wish to leave. I will miss you. But from the clan business I've seen, nothing good came from it, just arguments and splitting to alliances... Not to mention open debates in the shoutbox. Clan business in general causes stress, because people will fight for high positions and forget the fact that a clan is made to play with friends and have fun... Not stab one another in the back. But I am very disappointed something like this made everyone lose a friend.
  5. Hmhm, I like the basis of it. Might turn out quite ... Eventful...
  6. Well hiya Soul Dragon! Hope you enjoy your time here.
  7. So shocked! Just got Inclement Weather.... Such a storm of joy, pretty charged up about it! Puns puns puns

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I'm finally not the only goon without it. XD

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      Well I may not own Inclement Weather, but I can afford it. I'm just saving up to get everything in the armoury in a single sitting. So for now I'll stick with the Bungie flames, and legendary flames...

    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Sounds like a plan.

  8. Gungnir! The reach version, it gave off an immense mechanical aura, with a dreadnought kind of appearance. It was menacing, cold, and very creepy.... But also class, I mean how many other helmets get to have a MONOCLE!? Halo 3's Mk V was also gorgeous, very nice piece of armor, and not too Mark VIy, as in overused because of its symbol for MC. But also a classic. And for halo 4.... I have to side with Deadeye. A monotone look, sleek and elegant in form, sadly only works with a certain set of colors, but still quite a nifty piece.... But also a honorable mention to Fotus, I have never seen a more comical yet beautiful set.
  9. For PC, I swear no one I have ever asked has known about this game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjofUax2Y-Q It was my favorite game as a kid, and quite unique in conceptions, as it was a fully functional game, which had graphics and animations made from clay.... A claymation video game! So original! And had great soundtrack, story, puzzles, and just a heap of fun to play.... So you guys need to check it out! And no spoilers, you need to play it yourself to fully experience it.
  10. NO! Absodidly never! As much as it's a decent piece of equipment, it is so doggon annoying. -__- I don't want to ninja someone and be bounced off by a warrior in the fetal position.... But in CG's it'd be okay. PS: congrats on 1k,
  11. Hate needles? Vote for vitamin PWN! He'll make it all in tasty gummies! #VoteVitaminPWN4President

    1. Zelda
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      I'm Vitamin PWN and this is my favorite status on the forums

    3. Spyro


      lol, this is why I voted Vitamin. :3

  12. Nice to meet you, Mike! :3 Glad you came here.
  13. Feeling down? Take some Vitamin PWN! #VitaminPWN4President

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      I'm Vitamin PWN and i approve this message!

    2. EliteSniper
  14. I'd like to get in on this. :3 Name: -Sparky- Weapons/Tools: Banana, Sonic Screwdriver, and TARDIS..... and red ribbon. Appearance: Skills/Powers: Puns, Time Travel of course, that's what the TARDIS is for, also just being brilliant..... and Serbian. Bio: An absodidly over-idle member of the forums that just hangs around to talk and stuff, :3 Traveled through time for many, many decades... only 918 years old, young for a timelord.... pokemon... thing... dad dated another pikachu and it was odd. But now the TARDIS landed here, during this significant event... where some strange events have been transpiring. This banning spree must synergize with this "sniper" scandal that I've been hearing about....
  15. Hi Taran. Hope to meet and fully get to know you, welcome to the community.
  16. It is a conspiracy. Great posty, Edward Pinkay, enjoy your new tummy problem solving powers.
  17. Pepto Ed! Congratulations buddy! Been a long time coming.
  18. Of course a great choice! You'll do fantastic, Kumaru!
  19. My friend Frenetik Ninja's latest montage, go check it out. ^_^
    1. Gojira


      That montage was pretty sick.

  20. Sad to see you go from pink... You looked really good with it. But glad you had your month, it was well deserved.
  21. Darn right they're fantabulous. Do you think it's fun to be short?
  22. Twam listens to the community more. Lol, JK. Frankie has waypoint... Not so friendly. Twam makes this.... Veeeeeery friendly.
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