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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Most likely will make it, lotsa free time that day. :3
  2. Hiya Hash! Didn't know you were coming, the lights weren't going on and off.
  3. Unfortunately no... Even when the tag "kill" is above the winning team... Which is misleading for the simpletons like me.
  4. Time for a fresh start! I'm in.
  5. KUMARUUUUUUUU! Yay! Congrats buddy! I'm happy to have given you the pink so you may enjoy your month!
  6. Welcome to 343iC Greg! How're things going with you?
  7. Hi Doggy, welcome to the forums. :3 How are you?
  8. Very well thank you! Sorry for late response. >_<
  9. Hi Mike and Dawn. c: How are you two enjoying your holidays?
  10. Tea. Do you enjoy watching things that are new and out of your comfort zone?
  11. Mmm, I don't think so. UNSC Spartan II.
  12. No way, milk chocolate. Do you ever wish you could be the opposite gender for 10 minutes?
  13. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your colorless grey, Shock. Lol, congrats on the promo, bud.
  14. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the forum, not a member was stirring... Except for the people in the shoutbox. GO TO BED. Anywho, happy holidays, and Merry Christmas! ^_^

  15. I have: -Wargames Haven XBL Theme -Xbox Live Ghost Avatar -And a Lego Starwars 3 code.
  16. Appreciate you guys came to the event, 'twas a blast with all of you, and hope we can do it again sometime. Thank you all for making this event all the more fun.
  17. Excited for Destiny... but other than that, time for a fantastic new year! With fun stuff.... so yeah! Happy Holidays... also 2014 is too even of a number.
  18. Nah, it's okay... As long as the spaghetti arm popping things keep their distance. But another thing on legendary.... Truth and Reconciliation.... The person who designed the first cruiser room is just insane.
  19. Hiya ladies and laddies, we are here to announce yet another winter gameday get-together for the Winter season.... we would have a drum roll, but we didn't have it in the budget. This Sunday, starting at 3:30 PM PSD, Onsokumaru and I will be hosting the: In this event, we will be playing various gametypes on the Halo: Reach Anniversary Maps! These gametypes are included, but not limited to: 1)Slayer 2)Classic Slayer 3)SWAT 4)Team Snipers 5)Elites VS Spartans 6)Infection 7+)Whatever shenanigans we can come up with. Of course, the game is Reach: Anniversary DLC, so dust those disks off and stick them in! Because we will commence, as stated before at: Sunday 12/22/2013 3:30 PM PSD (Pacific Standard Time) and will have 14 slots available, so first come first serve! Hope to see plenty of you there! 1. Prometheanpwnr 2. Edward Kenway 3. JXZAW 4. BeckoningZebra1 5. Bnus 6. Rockubot 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 .
  20. Better campaign AI, a fun campaign like CE... With new skulls or at least bring back the bandana skull. Also various forge weather, elemental environments, presets, and active props (move and make sounds or effects), pallet editing, choosing the pieces to be either new, scratch, burnt, or cracked with moss and greenery in order to make it look nicer, with precision editing... AND vehicle skins to match the maps, like arctic cammo tanks they had on Avalanche in halo 3, that was a really cool detail in my opinion. Also less flashy, new armor, or let you decide whether your armor will appear new, or a scratched and pitted armor like in reach. The load outs can stay... If plasma grenades, plasma pistols, and boltshots are removed and simply placed on the maps. Better theatre mode... No text please every time someone dies. Bring back vehicles like the specter and Falcon... And I don't mean in the background of a map on which you'll never notice it unless you're alone on it. And back to campaign, I want the grunts to talk again, I loved that feature in the early games... And the skulls I mentioned should be scattered through the campaign, nothing better than the sense of accomplishment after you've located them.
  21. Alright, it's time to face off the two biggest and baddest levels of this campaign. We know them as long, hard, and of course, just plain ol pure evil. In this corner (pretend it's a corner! we are low on budget for this) we have the notorious old baddy, The Library! And in the other one, the almighty hair pulling machine, Two Betrayals! And now another candidate, the devil with gross squishy disgusting treachery of a level, Keyes! Now vote away! And make sure to specify which one and a detailed analysis on why. My personal twitch is the Library, repetitive where the rooms only change color and enemies, long as in 4 FLOORS of flood smeggery, and of course the biggest FU at the end when the platform at the top... Takes you back all the way down where you started... And then Guilty Spark teleports you! He could've done it all along... Crafty monitor. Though as consolation, two betrayals, your vehicular overkill and downright self hating gameplay is also what got you onto the list in the first place.
  22. Two Betrayals! I have conquered thee once and for all! Hear me roar!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ranger Intel
    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      There's actually a strategy (that does not involve glitches or cheats) that makes that level easy. But nice work.

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      Memorization and stealth really pays off on this level. Good job my friend! :)

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