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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. OMG, we are all gonna die. Jk, but sounds like something really cool to watch. I gotta check it out.
  2. Thanksgiving? Give thanks for this amazing community! :D

  3. Beastly Devastator for decepticon... Aaaaand Ironhide for Autobot. Also, I don't get why they're fight ing, I'm not in shards.
  4. Looks like pretty good deal, since I need to get new games now after the split.
  5. I like loadout a to be honest, but not parts of it like the capability of spawning with a PP or plasma grenades, which completely throws off gameplay. It is better if primary weapons remain, but armor abilities either spawn on the map randomly, or just become equipment, and then you can put them on spawn-with load outs for custom games since getting rid of AAs would kinda ruin a lot of fun custom game types.
  6. Hiya, welcome to the community. ^_^

  7. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/31431-rog-now-recruiting/ Yes, our clan is, that is a link to the breakdown of the site. PM if you want to join.
  8. Forge World, it is the most preferable environment in my opinion, as it has terrain, it has much more fitting natural features which I love. And you don't have to creat your own cliffs and caves and mountains, which is very nice in aesthetics, especially when you make a fort space inside a mountainside, as if it was built into it. Sure you can't place trees, but we have our own trees already on the map and much better special FX to change the look of the map however you choose.
  9. Why can't I sleep. -_-

    1. TDM


      Because... Ms. Slapsalot is watching... O_O

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      ...I though she was gone


    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      She better be, Spartan.

  10. Just found out my Grampa just passed away from cancer...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TDM


      I'm so sorry man... :'(

    3. Silent Orbis
    4. Trae Houston

      Trae Houston

      I feel you I lost my grandfether not to long ago...

  11. Infection Forms, also known as popcorn, are fun to pop with an AR or SMG when there's a whole big load of them. Like dirty, discussing confetti.
  12. Well, hi again. Hope you enjoy your time here.
  13. Hi there, welcome to the community. ^_^

  14. Happy one year, bud! Mine is coming up soon as well.
  15. Sprint is useful, in many situations so it is a definite must for gameplay mechanics and especially in types of custom games. Some armor abilities make no sense, as some of you have said. But a few that are workable, such as the drop shield, evade... Which could be an action roll on its own, and the rest seem to have been there just to be there' though still useful in cases. But the equipment in halo 3 was a bit more interesting when objects like that must be used sparingly and skillfully, instead of spawning with it all the time. But that's just me.
  16. Lol, when Tucker bites his lip. I like the pic. ;)

  17. Solo? No way! But I've attempted a few... Well all and quit most of the time.... Wuss. But the difficulties: Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo CE Halo Reach ODST Halo 4
  18. Most likely not, after the armor and bullseye map pack and the rest of the Champions Bundle DLC, all updates are for game types, playlists, or glitches.
  19. I like the Weiss avy, looks good. :3

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Without the pain. :P

      Especially if the person doesn't like what you say. ;)

    3. TDM


      I have to admit, You gotta love the feisty ones. *Gets slapped* See?

    4. Sadly Just AL
  20. When Leanne got home, she threw the car keys onto the kitchen counter. She wasn't all to happy about what happened at HQ, but at least it wasn't all bad since Ike sort of cheered her up, which she doubted was possible after her revelation. But wanting to get over it, she picked up computer tablet and turned it to the news section to see if anything new was going on. But the usual Rebel movement and lame reality show ads, it was quite bland, at least she thought so until she hit a significant article. 'Spartan III Beta Program Launched', it was just a boring explanation of what it meant and what happens to the volunteers, but then she read the list of recruits. "Peter Vangarson.... Lawrence Chinroah.... Kenna Ragarston.... Al Na--" She froze... she remembered who's name that was, and looked at a picture on her wall. It was a polaroid of Leanne and her old friends. Besides Alex, Brandon, and Maya, Al was the youngest, being 15 when she left for the academy. "Why would he do that?" She said aloud. "He's skinnier than a sniper barrel, how could he go and get himself killed?" But, then again, it could be some other Al, but then she read the ACTUAL name pronunciation, and her shoulders drooped. No one else has that name, like, ANYWHERE. But, she just went to the next topic, relieved to see a gif of Chef Ramsey the 43rd yelling some pun about bad food at a cook. Leanne turned it again, and looked at a picture of a burning neighborhood. 'Rebels, again.' she thought. But Leanne peered closer at the picture and realized something horrifying... it was HER old neighborhood. Above the article, the title read *Attack on Arcadian Town, Evacuations Begun*. And the topic was fresh, only a few hours ago it was posted. "Probably what the squad was talking about." She muttered to herself... interrupted when her phone rang. She picked it up and read the contact. 'Unknown' it said, but Leanne asnwered it anyway. "Hello?" She asked. "ODST Trooper Designation 137, Echo Squad Leanne Xandrovic?" The man on the line asked, in return. "Uh... yeah." She answered. "Who is this?" "That is not important, but I've heard about your falling out with your squad from one of the recruits... heard it was pretty rough." The man answered. "Sure." She told him. "Why did you call?" "I have positions open in my platoon... and seeing as you're not too fond of yours, I would like to extend an invitation for you to join us." He informed. Leanne thought, obviously skeptical, not wanting to trust a random caller but hating her crew, she hesitantly agreed to meet the guy on the details at the tether. "Alright." The man said. "I'll see you then." And hung up. ..... The caller got up from his seat and dialed a number on his phone again. "Hello." A gruff voice said. "She's thinking about it." He told the other. "Meeting her tomorrow." "Good, tell me her answer after." The other man said back. "I will." The first said. "What's the plan for the Evacs, though?" "Set, but we'll import more squads later." The other replied. "Gannon out." ....
  21. "Okay, I'll see you around, Ike." Leanne replied to him, who seemed ready to leave already but not wanting to be rude, stayed until they both leave. "Good luck with your agenda."
  22. "Well, finally seeing why I haven't gotten reports or updates from my captain." Leanne told him. "And now I'm here." She reflected what she said, seemed a little blunt, but she hates talking about herself since her parents always found a fault in her due to her disinterest in sports. But Ike seemed rather friendly, something, she didn't know what, made her feel comfortable around him.
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