Leanne dialed Taylor the next day, for about the fourth time. Still no answer. But her uneasiness transformed into a splint of annoyance, the fact he called about something he said was important and then completely bailed. But she tried to vent and went to a nearby Cosmo Bucks for a Coffee.
As she was leaving, she saw an ODST leaving the shop, but she recognized the Echo Team crest on his shoulder and became suspicious. Leanne, bent on investigating and went to the soldier who was getting into a warthog with another Trooper. But before they could leave, she intercepted them as the driver started the vehicle's engine.
"So... Where are you two off to?" She asked them, crossing her arms over her chest.
The two ODSTs exchanged looks, and snickered. Obviously new recruits judging by their fresh armor.
"Emergency call." One of them said, puffing out his chest, heroically.
"Yeah, you should get to safety, little lady."
A vein bulged in Leanne's forehead, irritated by their banter. She popped her hand in her pocket and produced a her ODST Badge, designating her as a 2 year veteran and squad second in command. The two recruits instantly went silent, obviously intimidated.
"So, what is it you guys are doing?" She asked again.
"Oh, so she's the one we're not supposed to tell." The driver said.
"Not supposed to tell, huh?" Leanne countered. "Who said?"
Leanne, being the higher rank, subordinated the driver to the back troop seats, while she drove the hog to HQ. She clutched the steering wheel, until her knuckles turned white from the grip. The recruits just sat in their seats, awkwardly quiet, obviously a bit uneasy by her silent anger. They finally arrived, after an hour drive to the space tether, connecting to their station and frigate. They all dismounted the vehicle and boarded the elevator, while the recruits kept their distance from Leanne. Once up, they went straight to the captain's room and barged into the office, which was full of the rest of Echo Team.
"As you can see, the rebels have moved th--." Captain Stanford stopped, seeing Leanne burst through the door, followed by the novice troopers that sulked behind her.
Stanford sighed. "You two were not supposed to let her know."
"Sorry, Sir." The two said in unison, looking down.
"I want answers." Leanne said, angrily. "Why was I not supposed to know?"
"Uh, well." Stanford began, mumbling.
"Because you should be in the kitchen." Kennard yelled from the crowd, laughing and high-fiving those around him.
Leanne was ballistic. This spurred her so badly, she shook with clenched fists.
"It's because I'm a woman?" She said through clenched teeth.
That's when Kennard got up and walked right to her until he stared her down.
"That's what I said, b****." He told her. "You're supposed to be pleasing men."
Kennard instantly saw his mistake, he forgot his helmet, and stood unprepared as Leanne backhanded him right off his feet. He fell flat on his back, absolutely dazed by it's impact. She then turned around and exited the room, slamming the door behind her, feeling a bit better after laying Kennard out.
'What an a******.' She thought, angrily.