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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Humans appear to be those who came down from forerunners (hence the name "Forerunners"), now dubbed to be reclaimers to take over for the forerunners, so the use of their technology is inevitable.
  2. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/31431-rog-now-recruiting/ The link is to my Halo 4 clan full breakdown posted by a friend of mine. You can check it out if you're interested. And it's a very good community, lots of nice folks.
  3. I agree that there needs to be more gametypes for Covie weapons (Covie/Forerunner Slayer maybe). The reasons are usually that the UNSC weapons are the most comfortable to use, since in previous games you'd have to pick them up off the floor, which rarely happened. Also, we're a fan site, just in case you thought we're the real site. (If you already knew, sorry.)
  4. Way to go Bnus, you deserved it bud.
  5. It looks pretty decent, a tiny bit rough in my opinion, though still entertaining. And a full two hours, it was a good movie night... well movie day now, thing. The forged maps were pretty decently designed, a couple of uneven blocks (OCD, messes with your mind. :/), the camera angles I liked, made the aesthetics of the environment appeal to the eye. Other than it was great.
  6. Happy November!... Ur, something.

  7. See, I told everyone Lightning Flag was an awful gametype. But no one listens to ol' Spark. But yeah, breaking the TV and controller was a bit excessive, though, but they can't fix the gametype... that's why they should remove it.
  8. Just wait for them to stop when they are regenerating Knights. Worked almost all the time for me.
  9. "Um, I thinks so." Leanne replied, after a few last moments of consideration. "I'll see you soon." She then hung up, and tossed the phone on a nearby sofa, then went to get ready.
  10. Sky Dive Knight Assassinations FTW. Also watcher assassinations are the most satisfying things of all time.
  11. I have doubts for halo 3 and Reach, but for halo 4, they really need to do that. It's starting to bug me that I never could see those maps, but the community maps show up ALL the time.
  12. 'Del Angelo Pier...' Leanne recalled in her mind, after Taylor asked her to meet him. 'Haven't seen in ages.' She paused for a moment, as memories flooded back... "Yeah... yeah that works with me." Leanne answered. "What time?"
  13. I like most of the ideas, but the Brute precision weapons don't make sense. Brutes are a Roid Rage, charge headfirst into battle type of species, so being precise doesn't matter to them.
  14. Lol, that looks really funny. Is it a series or the only episode?
  15. PLUS! The Hayabusa armor and Mark V helmet. Looked so decent in the good ol days.
  16. Well, Brutes were mostly annihilated in the events of Halo 3. Also elites and brute never really got along too well since Halo 2... so I doubt they'd be side by side.
  17. Holy smokes.... This ought to keep me occupied for a long time.
  18. 1. New enemies and patterns... Prometheans acted like covies on steroids... crawlers were cool though. 2. Fun stuff to find in campaign. (Eastereggs, Skulls, Terminals.) 3. Sentinel antagonists. (More activity.) and the huge Enforcers from Halo 2. 4. New Skulls, not recycled stuff. 5. Much more eye friendly maps. (Not friggin bright as all heck. >.<)
  19. There are some really good ones. Like the Halo 4 Cops and Halo 4 Show series made by team epiphany. And of course this one. [VIDEO] [/VIDEO]
  20. It is most likely a special edition or the price set as a momentary place holder. The regular version is likely to be the regular 60 ish dollars like they are most of the time.
  21. 'Saw it again?' Leanne thought. What he meant, she did not know. "What did you see?" She asked, a bit worried.
  22. Oh yeah. You want me to edit it or do we need to plan out how the phone convos go?
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