Leanne's pencil ground on the sheet of paper, leaving tracks and fragments of variously colored graphite, shaping whatever her mind pictured. There has been nothing going on recently, her duty as an ODST wasn't so action packed since there have been no missions to go on at all, she's also heard this from other operatives as well. She looked at her armor hanging in the closet, same condition as always, nothing new. Leanne turned back around, kicking her legs onto the table as she continued to sketch in her notebook. Minutes of silence passed, filled with the small sound of pencil against paper... then stopped. Leanne eyed her paper, and clutched it tightly, slightly creasing the side of the parchment. It was a picture of her old house; the yard, the design, everything the same, as if she'd never left.
A tear welled up in the corner of her eye, as she pictured her family. Did they miss her? Do they know where she is? The questions churned and turned inside her head, like a perpetual gyroscope... but the pain of memories became too much, and she ripped the page out, crumpled it and tossed it across the room, missing the waste bin. Leanne sat up straight, wiping her tears with the heels of her hands. 'Did I make the right choice?' She thought. But the answer never came.