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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Whoa, that's genius! I gotta test that out when I can, looks really cool!
  2. The phone became cold in her hands as she waited for the answer, hearing the phone's faint beep. "Taylor?" Leanne asked once she heard him answer.
  3. The armor effects were a cool thing to have, but sometimes give you away to easily. Though blue flame was a Reach thing... I wonder what kind of new things like that 343i can come up with...
  4. The flood were destroyed on the new ring, but what about the remnants of Halo CE 's and Halo 2's rings? Aren't those still infested? Cortana was based off a person, so her human counterpart still has a chance of existence. And as for Arby, MAYBE. If there is a plot where they can work together. It's all depending on the story.
  5. Leanne woke up, startled by the sound of her phone going off in the middle of the night. She decided not to pay it much attention yet, but simply to see who it was out of curiosity. "Taylor?" She read aloud, puzzled that he called her at this time of night. 'Was there something wrong?' She thought. He never really called her when they met back when she was a mere recruit, but Leanne remember that he was always kind to her, and seemed to watch over her like an overprotective older brother. But for now, she put her phone down and went back to sleep. .... The next morning, Leanne was in a bit of a rush as she got dressed and did her usual morning hygienics. But then she looked at her phone again, and flipped it on. 'The message from Sergeant Taylor.' She remembered from last night. Leanne hesitated for a few moments, then played the voice message: *Hey Leanne, it's me... Taylor DeCello. I've been having trouble with some ghosts from my past... Call me back soon Sergeant, goodbye.* 'Ghosts from the past?' Leanne wondered, cryptically. 'Must be important then.' She redialed Taylor's number, and waited for his answer....
  6. I also think you should be able to change your forearms like you change shoulders, so you can mix and match a bit more uniquely.
  7. Lol, that looks so awesome! I gotta try it out some time....
  8. Pretty interesting map. I gotta pencil this one to test out when I can. Looks great BTW.
  9. Leanne's pencil ground on the sheet of paper, leaving tracks and fragments of variously colored graphite, shaping whatever her mind pictured. There has been nothing going on recently, her duty as an ODST wasn't so action packed since there have been no missions to go on at all, she's also heard this from other operatives as well. She looked at her armor hanging in the closet, same condition as always, nothing new. Leanne turned back around, kicking her legs onto the table as she continued to sketch in her notebook. Minutes of silence passed, filled with the small sound of pencil against paper... then stopped. Leanne eyed her paper, and clutched it tightly, slightly creasing the side of the parchment. It was a picture of her old house; the yard, the design, everything the same, as if she'd never left. A tear welled up in the corner of her eye, as she pictured her family. Did they miss her? Do they know where she is? The questions churned and turned inside her head, like a perpetual gyroscope... but the pain of memories became too much, and she ripped the page out, crumpled it and tossed it across the room, missing the waste bin. Leanne sat up straight, wiping her tears with the heels of her hands. 'Did I make the right choice?' She thought. But the answer never came.
  10. When you alter games that were already great... you get mixed results... VERY mixed results, kinda like Cake mix. But the same as a Halo 2: Anniversary, leave it as it is and avoid hype and drama.
  11. Gauss hog in multiplayer, just to ravage the other team. :spiteful: But transport hog for speed and just a fun rid. :3
  12. Your shotgun method for Jackals is pretty interesting, I have to say. Creative.
  13. Nothing on it could've survived... Plus all technology would've been fried by the Sun's electromagnetic properties.
  14. ODST Buck, funny, has a cool character, .... Handsome... But I love the Rookie, since it pays to be the strong silent type.
  15. I've heard a lot of things about the Custom Edition, this makes me interested even more. Maybe I should give it a try.
  16. Messing up the jump to the Forward Unto Dawn... I hire the ramp and flipped sideways off the world. XD But putting the game in the Xbox was like a golden gateway... The game I love forever.
  17. The DLC for reach was incredibly fun, but the only one with a playlist were the anniversary maps in the anniversary playlist. I really didn't see the others... :/ But they've stopped updating reach so I sadly doubt that being done. :C
  18. Halo 3 being free is like giving away years of fun. You can't go wrong with a game like that... Besides basic glitches and bugs... But it doesn't lag badly. It's beautiful.
  19. His death was too rushed and it ended way to quickly to be his actual demise. A most likely teleport or quick travel to another forerunner structure (maybe one of his monoliths.). I doubt we've seen the last of him... You don't introduce the last Forerunner and just kill him in the same game.
  20. Forging = in zone. When in zone, no one exists... If enter zone... And make It unenjoyable by a fraction of a percent... It's the shape of Italy for you.
  21. Boo! BR needs a buff. I hate it. *Update* Boo! BR too overpowered! Nerf it. You see a pattern there? Variety of weapons... Find one that fits your skillset.
  22. Prefer the BR mostly, though I do like the DMR as well. So since I'm indecisive, I swap between the two. Usually when I get bored of the other. In combo with frags, it's a formula for success!
  23. True... but no shield worlds are real planets. They're all synthesized and teraformed, thus falling under the category of being an artificial world... That went into the sun... yeah.
  24. I prefer to melee elites until they roar and sneak behind them... and ninjaing grunts is always fun as well.
  25. Elites of course, much more fun to kill with DMRs and Snipers... OR better yet... Assassination. :spiteful:
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