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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Forgot to do this for like 6 months or more... Don't remember... -Display Name: iSparky... Apparently someone took it while I was looking.... Ah well. -Password: You wish. -Member Title: Punster Regiment -Time Wasted-- I mean spent on the forum: +131 Days -Number of people wasting their times stalking my profile: twenty-thousand and way too many. -Forum Birth-Date: November 23, 2012 -Times I shouted at someone: 42,604 -Lesson's learned: People like wearing masks... Spyro is a carpetbagger... Autocorrect is bad for people's health. -Best moments: Meeting people like Kumaru, Omega, Connor, and a couple others. -Worst moments: 94 of them. Cosmetics: -Avy: Too many, I'd rather not. -Sig: scroll down. Or:
  2. Wow, pretty cheesy you two, might have to ban you for product placement.
  3. Actually, that is not a bad idea at all! Not only would it increase the amount of gameplay, it would also quench both categories of a story-like gametype and a blatant hold-down shootout. Especially after the debates of "Spartan Ops or Firefight", everyone seemed to be bent on one or the other.... ...Why not both?
  4. Banned for not supplying it, being a member of the staff and all. Setting quite the example. :3
  5. Banned for not using a space nor a period in your sentence... professional. :3
  6. Banned for being dull with your reasons, no wonder you're not mods. :3
  7. Well that is not in my control, don't "Halo Community to 343" me. Banned for having expectations that can't be met by us.
  8. Mm... Sentinel Beam. I miss the good ol' laser... Sure, it overheated very quickly, wasn't too effective in multiplayer, but was fun to use, nonetheless. I also find myself mumbling "peeeew" now and again while using it. Would be fun to see it again, and with Halo 5's graphics, it could make some pretty screenshots....
  9. I like meeting new people, too. Just like you, so hiya!
  10. My whole life is a lie... But Bungie loved the number seven, and stopped making halo games... followed by Halo 4... 7-4=3. I leave the rest to your imagination.
  11. Salutations, Terra, Tis nice to make your acquaintance. Welcome to the family!
  12. We aren't the REAL 343, we're a fan forum. But if you like, you can repost this on the halo waypoint forums. (Their official site).
  13. INFERNO In the end... we're all consumed by the flames of rage...
  14. Hiya, Ite! Funny place at times, yes. Depends on who's online.
  15. John 117, The Master Thief... Wait... That's not right...
  16. Brutes do not use long range weaponry, they're close quarters, prideful fighters, too impatient... And too incompetent, to use long range weaponry. Their personalities and builds don't synergize with anything but the weaponry they have had so far. I do like the balancing of the weapon itself, does seem kinda like a Binary Rifle + Boltshot, but okay... Though I'm sure it'll be murderous in multiplayer. X_x
  17. What a lazy Monday...

    1. Yoshi1176


      I feel the same, I came home and ate chili, didn't even run. ._.

    2. Delpen9


      This is also my laziest day in months. All I've been doing is watching anime because I can!

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