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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. On Xbox live since 2011. But I've played with friends on the original Xbox or PC. How I first played Halo CE and Halo 2. But now I'm offline since I don't have it with me.
  2. Hi there! Nice to meet you, hope you like it here! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  3. Lol, you place a weapon down in forge, and somebody takes it. Can you spawn another? Yes. What do you actually do? Slaughter by falling tank. :spiteful:
  4. OMG, the sentinel beam, I forgot about that. That was a fun weapon in campaign... Much more fun when sentinels were antagonists that you can interact with and destroy.
  5. Spiker mauler ALWAYS! Great on the pit in the good old days since nobody picks them up.
  6. Love brute weapons! They have such a nice feel to them and have a juggernaut aesthetic. Twin spikers, wins the game. Maulers.
  7. In my opinion, I love the Ark and the Covenant missions, both were awesome and involved quite a bit of vehicular action as well as the full experience without any as well which was quite good. But my tip top favorite is Halo, the final mission. Why? Warthog run back to the Dawn. Nuff said.
  8. Oh the worst maps are DEFINITELY between Complex and Scythe, Scythe is too weird and unbalanced, is a constant manwich between people and the respawns are absodidly awful.
  9. 6 is the best, not too slow so you can catch them if they run, but anything higher will make it hard to focus.
  10. A larger resistance to plasma grenades should be implemented, since two would take about a hog or just it's passengers. And the plasma grenades in the loadout are a bit of a slap and the fun is simply gone. I also support the idea of the off road feel, it was so much more maneuverable and actually felt like it would last, while now you can get taken out instantly.
  11. I also want to be able to change my forearms JUST LIKE how you change shoulders so (for example) have one full prefect arm and one full recruit arm so it seems almost like a robotic appendage.
  12. Since the sene in the trailer seemed deserty... I hope they make some new dune-based vehicles that are made for the terrain. (Not hogs and mongeese, change it up a bit.) Maybe a large desert trike with a mounted machine gun turret, to mimic the Prowler in a way.
  13. Clueless sounds interesting, but not as much as old school. I would love to have a skull throw you back into the good ol' ways of Halo. It would be the first skull I would look for (IF we get to look for them.) The hashtag one also seems fun.
  14. The continuing of a story to play and more of a reason to play against Covenant on various difficulties. I didn't like the "no checkpoint" system, and instead of restarting, you respawn without any consequences. But the new feature of activating skulls is pretty neat.
  15. I love Haven and Abandon, they're really fun to play on. way better than most community maps and DLC maps.
  16. Well, we've gotten new gametypes and armor and maps... but STILL no fixes on the stuff that's actually important which affects gameplay.
  17. You may need to have connection to xbox live for that. I've had it disappear when being offline. :/ Other than that, I have no idea.
  18. I will never miss Pro, Dominion is too unbalanced being simply power weapons all over the place and is an all over cluster pub of everyone chucking grenades into small rooms. But I liked multi team... they need a rocket mongoose slayer for that playlist.
  19. Halo CE/: Anniversary: The Maw Halo 2: Quarantine Zone and High Charity (There's none I hate, just the ones I don't love as much. ) Halo 3: Halo and The Ark Halo: Reach: Pillar of Autumn Halo 4: Dawn and Midnight. Loved the Halo 2 campaign. SO much fun. But the Halo 4 campaign was incredible nontheless, though missions like the composer were so annoying.... Banshees!
  20. Frags are hella useful. The Frag and drop method is almost flawless... if you use them right. Plasmas are okay on big team since frags aren't the best for taking out vehicles.
  21. Pokeball, go! That's how it feels to use one. Will you catch anything? Not unless you damage your opponent first. This actually made sense.
  22. Most likely due to how much loading of external features AND items along with light I think. BUT speaking of light, complex does not only lag, but is hella bright which super dee duper annoying.
  23. Invasion, had more of a story background and was overall awesome! Had more intensity too when it was on a timer.
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