Name: -Sparky-
Bio: My name is Al, born and raised in Serbia of Europe... (no not Siberia or Syria) for eight years, then move to California, US. I'm a usually social person that likes to crack very bad puns and hit any opportunity where I could make someone laugh... Unless its not the right time or place for it. I love to listen to transcending music like piano pieces or gentle tunes, but I do like dub step and all the other stuff too. When I'm bored, I would form stories in my mind or even wright them down in journals along with some sketching (which I'm trying to improve.) I play some sports like Football and basketball as well as work out from time to time, but I'm not an outdoors oriented guy. I rarely watch TV, since I got Netflix on which I'm most commonly found watching Doctor Who, random comedies, and on occasion Pokemon. I'm an insomniac that is also slightly bipolar... That can speak Serbian.... And stuff. My real name is too difficult to pronounce, which is why I got dubbed with nicknames like Al, Lotion, Specs, Shades, and like a long list of others. I love reading interesting books like thrillers, action... And romance... Don't judge me. :3 I have hair that looks like a black porcupine and am 5 feet, 11 inches tall.... 16 years old... About 90% mentally a man... And yeah.
Likes: Almost all food, friendship, PC/Xbox gaming, occasional work out, Hot Topic , music that sounds good, Machinimas, story writing, fanfics and art, Doctor Who, Pokemon, making jokes, European people, and of course all of you.
Dislikes: surprise mayonnaise, mean cats, crows, lag, movie or show endings that make me sad, conflict, people who brag when winning and can't accept losing, people who can't laugh at themselves, people who hate on other people's interests, and just plain meanies.
Two words describing me: Gaay Friend.
Dreams: Learn to animate professionally and produce soundtrack. (Soundboard) .... Go to college... Be more interesting...XD