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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. If someone dies right near me, I'll stand over their body and make my spartan look confused. That or just awkwardly stand around the random player.
  2. Wow, that's pretty interesting. Gotta check that out sometime, thanks for posting it.
  3. Best way is to play King of the Hill on Vertigo. But I refuse to get this achievement.
  4. Yeah, it's already a very laggy map on regular slayer, so big team is just a major no no. don't know why it's in there.
  5. Honestly, recharge has a similar effect to Shielding, which isn't too good of an upgrade in the first place. Plus for even gameplay, I think everyone should have the same shield recharge rate, but that's just me. As for survivor, it's actually more useful than I thought, though my first go it killed me and launched me to the top of the map a couple times. but survivor was an option I liked that makes sense, if you can crash a warthog in a 3 billion dollar suit of super soldier armor and survive. I mean if you can live through Requiem's gravity well, then a crash is a bit of a no-brainer, but for a tank I think it's overpowered. But again that's just what I think, survivor all the way.
  6. Project Spark + Minecraft = Project: Sparkcraft :3
  7. Way to go Redstar! It was only a matter of time! You'll be fantastic!
  8. LINES are IN. Sorry it was so late. >.

  9. Hey man, welcome to the community. :)

  10. Oh, I'll definitely make use of this. Thanks Tucker!
  11. It was just a matter of time. Congratulations Mayh3m... I feel like I predicted this when I sent him PM saying "you're a true Legend" when he hit 1000 likes.
  12. Sadly Just AL


    Looks awesome! :3
  13. Congrats on Dedicated man! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      also the day you posted this it was my birthday

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      OMG! I didn't see! I'm sorry. D:

    4. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      no problem dont worry

  14. Welcome to the community Ruin! Hope you like it here! :)

  15. Welcome to the 343iCF eel! :)

  16. Hey Prex, welcome to the community! :)

  17. Hey Zach, welcome to the community! :)

  18. Nice a camping achievement! Thanks for posting this, but three vehicle escapes in a row? Pffft, another "Flash of Light".
  19. Hi Parker, welcome to the 343i community! :)

  20. Hi M3T4, welcome to the community! :)

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