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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Forge BTB? Definitely would be a good playlist, especially Assault Big Team.
  2. Swat, my team was only killing me, and ignoring the other team, such an annoyance.
  3. I'm glad I read this, a good 20 minutes spent.
  4. Sadly Just AL


    In the campaign for Halo 2, it looked epic as it plowed through cars that were littered around.
  5. Wow, great find! I need to try that now.
  6. Assault Rifle wimpy? I bet the Suppressor is way better then. Oh wait.
  7. Welcome Rorschach, hope you like it in our community, glad to have you here.
  8. There's not very many things that are excruciatingly bad, but the only changes I want are: -Weapon Lowering -Weird Magnets -Still a specific amount of items put on the map. And Yeah, not too many complaints. :/
  9. Whoa, those are way cool! I'd love to see those.
  10. I'm gonna miss you Frankenzer, hope to see you back.
  11. Looks cool, is it on your fileshare?
  12. The camo doesn't bother me. But the radar jam bugs me.
  13. Gungnir looks like Barney. That should be a 4/10. But great review.
  14. I would like to see this gametype return. Many great memories.
  15. Almost, but Halo 3 is still the best IMO.
  16. I'm hoping it's better than team Throwdown, useless Radars. I just hope it's like classic slayer.
  17. Open loadouts? Why? Though I like the new Hyabussa.
  18. Both are good, though Halo 3 might take a full 101%.
  19. Crazy sociopath? Nah master Chief is not the Didact. :/
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