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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. They were okay, but 4 close range hits with a shotgun is just insane. The Tartarus boss fight was okay, but I never knew that the shield glow thing actually disappears, since I killed him on accident.
  2. This is the problem with a 2 week absence, I don't know anything that's new.
  3. Epic!!!! I love the look of it. I can't wait for its release.
  4. It was a very decent film, no disappointments whatsoever.
  5. What did happen to him after Halo 3. I doubt he's dead. He wasn't that old.
  6. I'm back, disregard the last update, it's all been taken care of.

  7. The Covenant and ODST ideas sound good.
  8. I'm not sure that would be plausible unless Halsey remakes her with Jul'Madama.
  9. Scary as heck, I played it the first time and I regretted it for the next week or two.
  10. So for the audition, do we have to be using the character's personality that we're trying out for, or are we just given a role?
  11. Sadly Just AL


    It could serve as a Phantom for grounded troops.
  12. Get a bud with a rocket launcher, mount up, and roll into the battlefield with style!
  13. I'm guessing it's a self destruct mechanism if the key is in wrong hands.
  14. Fiesta FTW! Binary Slayer is not really that good, Rockets is fun but not as much as the random, all-over-the-place Fiesta.
  15. I love it! So much fun! Fiesta is insane and there is nothing better than a midair railgun kill in team rockets.
  16. Alrighty, thanks. I'll check it out.
  17. I wouldn't mind custom games, but competitive is still something I enjoy, and I'm pretty sure many others do as well.
  18. No, multiplayer is required for people like me and many others that when you finish the story, you won't play it anymore. Also multiplayer is a way many players can come together in harmony to kick each other's butts. So I don't think it would be Halo without multiplayer.
  19. Yeah, mind that it only locks onto aircrafts, but just wish the lock on was the same instead of having to focus the cross hairs on it for 5 seconds.
  20. 1. The Arbiter 2. Falcons! 3. The Enforcer Sentinel things. 4. Multiplayer maps based on campaigns from previous games (like a map on the remains of the pillar of autumn in Halo CE) 5. Drop Shield 6. Plasma Repeater 7. Dual Wield 8. Grenade Launcher 9. Specter 10. Halo 2 Rocket Launcher heat seeking.
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