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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. One question, what do you need to record a voice?
  2. I like the new avatar, looks good. :)

    1. York


      Thanks, was looking for something that would fit my casual/laid back style ;P

  3. Great! The release isn't too far away. Thanks for posting this.
  4. This is a feature that I posted as a suggestion for Halo 5.
  5. Hey man, how's it going?

  6. I can help on all maps except forge world maps.
  7. Oh! The wrecked Pillar of Autumn like the mission in Halo CE: Anniversary.
  8. I like the ideas, but the Brute thing with Covenant is a problem since most were wiped out in the events at the Ark.
  9. I've compared the Heat seeking features for all the halo games so far, and Halo Reach and Halo 4 both require to keep the crosshairs steady on the target which MUST be an airborne vehicle, but Halo 2, you just had to aim, hold the right trigger down which locks onto any vehicle (aerial or ground) and works great. Honestly, some things that were done in Halo 2 were just pure genius.
  10. I loved this weapon was great in Halo Reach and made for some fun times, so I think they should bring it back. What's your guys' opinion on this?
  11. The Gears of War thing, I think it should stick with its own ideas instead of yanking from others, but the stationary gauss turret would be cool.
  12. They need more AI like in Halo 2 where thay actually did something, though the driving is still pants./
  13. After playing a lot of Halo 2, I found that magnums when dual wielded are devastating and very entertaining to use, so would you guys like these or just like it as it is.
  14. 81: Trying to hijack a Falcon and just splatter yourself on the cockpit.
  15. Who's ready for some ACTION SACK!

    1. GryffinGuy007


      Who's ready for MY ACTION SACK!

    2. Church


      welll....that went weird fast.

    3. Quantum


      That escalated quickly.

  16. Sadly Just AL


    I would like to see that, maybe in a large map aboard a covenant cruiser.
  17. NO! Don't leave halo 3! It was a great game, STILL is a great game!
  18. I play for achievements and still need to finish the campaign on Legendary.
  19. I still love Halo 3. Just a great game. <3
  20. I feel sad when I see that so many have left. :'(
  21. I would like: -Luscious vine covered forerunner temples -Underwater fortresses -Dark Volcanic caverns
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