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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. I'll probably keep mine the same, suits me better.
  2. So like a juggernaut, sounds fun.
  3. I've wanted this since reach and that is to use your spartan's color in forge as it would not only appeal, but will work much better for Machinima as well. Do you guys think this would be good?
  4. Looks good for the background design, also for epic screenshots.
  5. First mission, pretty quick.
  6. Either the Scorpion or the Halo 2 Specter.
  7. Never thought of a shotgun, but it would be cool to see how that works.
  8. Those were fun in campaigns and tend to be the fastest warthogs. I'd love to pack like 3 others in the back and drive through the battlefield.
  9. The Scorpion, always loved the tank, always will.
  10. The Mantis was a great edition as it's very fun to use and watch everyone try to kill you, but fail each time.
  11. Exactly, one EMP and you're probably dead.
  12. I love the Supressor, an absolutely deadly weapon in close quarters.
  13. Thanks for posting it, this is great news.
  14. Honestly, I think Halo 2 is fine as it is, but the only change I would make is to return the multiplayer.
  15. They would be a nice prop for designs like hangars.
  16. It should come with the castle map pack or just one on its own.
  17. She seems rather short tempered and quick to snap. Not to mention how she had no remorse for shooting Halsey.
  18. I'd love it even more if they returned the multiplayer feature.
  19. Maybe, but works for everyone else.
  20. She's not a bad character, but I've heard from others and agree that it's 343's attempt to reincarnate Sgt. Johnson.
  21. PC has more like mods and stuff, but lags a bit more. Especially when it rains.
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