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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Yeah, the one on Landfall spawns almost every two minutes or less! And such small maps shouldn't have THAT much in-game ordnance.
  2. I agree, probably not a good armor ability, but maybe an upgrade fir Pulse Grenade.
  3. Lol, I like the Bow Chicka Bow wow Skull idea.
  4. Hey man, welcome to the community. :)

  5. I've seen a few Ideas for armor abilities so I guess it's time for me to share my own. What I've though is to do a sort of "Drop Shield Fist Bump" and have it EMP everything in a 5 foot Radius. It's most likely a bad Idea, but I want to see what you guys think.
  6. Halo CEA: Strident Halo (Original): Perilous Journey Halo 2: Reclaimer Halo Reach: We Remember Halo 4: Awakening Halo 3: ODST: Skyline
  7. It would be pretty cool, but it can't be spammable or it'll just become broken, though if a fair limit is offered it would be cool.
  8. Drop shield should come back or an EMP blast.
  9. The "Storm" covenant group doesn't abide with the those who have a peace treaty with the humans.
  10. It really doesn't feel any different, seems the same to me. KILLS the same too.
  11. Hey man, welcome to the community. :D

  12. It'll either go to earth OR maybe even Installation 03 from the campaign.
  13. Hiya Sean, I never did get to welcome you to the community, so welcome.
  14. Welcome to the forums! This is a great community so I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.
  15. Man, that stinks. But I'm sure you can find someone better.
  16. I know, I'm sick of people who complain and own the game constantly trying to tell everyone how much it stinks or is terrible in their opinion. If they hate it so much then don't play.
  17. Oh definitely don't remove them, better than a simple beat down.
  18. I would like to see that, firefight might be fun in Halo 4. Until the Prometheans come.
  19. That's a very good Idea, I do miss the drop shield, it's way better than the Hardlight Shield.
  20. She's artificial so I'm guessing she just fell apart from Rampancy.
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