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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. It's a great song for a Machinima. Wait what's your Machinima called?
  2. Move to Texas, and show up at the office every day until I'm hired or threaten to bomb them.
  3. Around the time Halo Reach came out, but I didn't play it until like a year ago.
  4. I say that they should get rid of armor abilities and just bring back the equipment from halo 3.
  5. That stinks, you might want to talk to a Mod about that.
  6. Sadly Just AL

    RE: The SAW

    It's a decent weapon In my opinion, it's a more powerful SMG.
  7. I can write, since I actually have a completely written machinima in one of my journals.
  8. I see so it could alternate skull abilities evry time you restart or a teammate dies.
  9. Definitely, It'd be great to have more people talk in the shoutbox, it's the best way to break the ice.
  10. I'll never forget the first playdate.
  11. My most embarrassing yet entertaining time is the day that I've tagged as the "343iBot Moment" where I thought 343iBot was a guy, but I was dead wrong, and everyone was like "it's a she" and I was like "OMG sorry" and everyone was like "lol" and Sarge threatened me with double shotguns.
  12. Hello Sam, welcome to the community.
  13. I've heard rumors about it and am excited to see if they are true.
  14. New specs could add more to the ranking system so it would be nice but I'm not sure what abilities they'd have.
  15. It definitely does fill in the gap from the campaign is finished so it's nice to have another storyline to follow after the other is done.
  16. Unless they can swim in the sun I don't think it will.
  17. Episode 10 Mission 5, love the unique gameplay, it's totally epic and I thoroughly enjoy it.
  18. Not on Requiem. No often reuse of multiplayer or previously used maps. More of a story during in-game cinematics and please don't make the matchmade games constantly on Legendary.
  19. I've completed the full season and have followed the story and cinematics, and the ending was fairly decent and gives a large feeling of variety to come in the next season as it will not occur on Requiem for... obvious reasons. This season was very good, though the mission cinematics could be a little more story based. But enough of my opinions, what did you guys think of the first season.
  20. I like that one, sort of a malfunction skull for attacking. Creative.
  21. That's an interesting aspect, sounds like it could be very interesting, I was thinking about a Grounded Skull where vehicles can't be used.
  22. Now that I've played Anniversary and seen the unique skulls it had and comparing it to other games I find that we had a continuous line of the same skulls for a while. Such as the Malfunction skull from Anniversary, that one was very challenging yet fun to use. But I also want to see some new skulls be put into play. Tell me your opinion on this matter and tell me if you have any skull ideas of your own.
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