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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. That's be a great idea, If it was on steam I'd buy it for sure.
  2. I am willing to help, I can forge on halo 3 and 4, and body act anywhere except for Halo reach's forge world maps since I can't even use those. But I'll be glad to help nonetheless.
  3. I know Hazop, oceanic, venator, and gungnir came without their skins.
  4. I believe that they'll do like 5 episodes per update, but unless the first season wraps up a climax I don't think it's a logical ending.
  5. Not a disgrace whatsoever, it's actually my best in means of multiplayer besides Halo 3, I can cope with all the weapons, I think all of the weapons are good and if someone has an OP weapon against you, why don't you show them by killing them like a boss instead? I've heard these arguments before. Halo 4 is fine, get over it.
  6. Nah, Hoping Halo 5 doesn't have a bad forge and more multiplayer abilities, I'll probably be playing Halo 3 or Reach. But I still think Halo 4 is a decent game.
  7. Welcome to the community.
  8. Halo, Team Meat games, Minecraft, Indie Games, and a few other PC games.
  9. Looks ridiculous, and sadly it's not the only machinima problem. SoFallenFilms made a vid about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=VIyklPxY9gE
  10. That's a cool looking map, nice work!
  11. I hit 130 and there's no Fotus. I guess that answers this question.
  12. I remember when I would fly and drop the falcon on people after I jumped out. Man I wish I had a hardrive back then.
  13. I hate you shutdown! I hope you burn and drop to the floor like the hundreds of Pelicans I flew.
  14. It is funny. I love the comedy machinimas like the Odd Spaces, the Unsociables, and Captain Assassin.
  15. I'm pretty sure the Key from Spartan Ops episode nine may have something to do with the story. But I'd want the Specter from Halo 2 back and the Falcon. Improved DMR and ODSTs.
  16. Nutella! Put it on there! But PB & J rules it all.
  17. ;( No SweatyBagels, don't go. I'm gonna miss you but I wish you the best in your endevours. :hug: Bye.
  18. The people mostly as well as how easy it is to make conversation with others. Also many good things happen in the shoutbox: advice given, friends met, and trends started. It's the ultimate community builder.
  19. I want something helpful like Cortana. Maybe because he's a male AI. (not sexist or anything).
  20. I miss Sgt Johnson, but Palmer isn't too bad. Maybe a bit more story behind her would be nice.
  21. Got owned at minecraft this weekend.

    1. Yoshi1176


      you and me both...

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