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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. In my opinion it's a decent game, mostly for the Halo 3 DLC and the campaign. Firefight is okay, but otherwise the campaign is phenomenal smooth gameplay, and it will leave you wanting more.
  2. The Forward Unto Dawn IS the frigate from halo 3 and Halo 4.
  3. The trusty AR is great, but the SMG is my cup of tea. I'll grab two and see ya at you respawn point.
  4. Put in Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer and I'll love you forever 343.
  5. Gungnir all the way!
  6. I don't know why they removed them in the first place, this also restricts machinimas as well. I can't repeat myself enough, but removing playable elites was a bad idea, but it's still a good game.
  7. Awesome! I'm glad they're releasing this.
  8. Yes, better than dominion which makes no sense, steal bases, earn points. Invasion has a story Elites steal core from humans or vise versa.
  9. It maybe a reuse, but I like it. The aesthetics are very nice at night.
  10. DMR Magnum Plasma Grenades Jetpack Mobility Ammo I switch the DMR out for Carbine if in a mission that's mostly covenant weapons.
  11. She's bossy. I would put her on mute if I could.
  12. Yeah. All you can do is random Spartan vs. Spartan or dress people in Venator and Fotus to act like Prometheans.
  13. Since Pulse grenades aren't exactly the best, maybe.
  14. Hey there TTrooper. Welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy it here.
  15. 66. Sprint towards a guy with an Incineration cannon.
  16. They sure did, especially when people die by hitting the propellers.
  17. Looking forward to the playdate this weekend. :D

  18. Hi, welcome to the community, but this is the hello/goodbye section, I think it would be better in the Halo 4 thread.
  19. Instant yes, he was my Favorite character from Halo 2 and Halo 3, though Sgt Johnson is epic.
  20. Oh, heck yes these MUST come back. I loved the falcon and the Revenant was just too fun.
  21. I heard it on youtube and I loved it, it should definitely be in it.
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