I would like an assassination where you kick them in the back of the leg, and grab there head while stabbing them in the chest as they collapse to their knees.
I hope that this thread may give 343i the intensive that playable Elites are a necessity in halo multiplayer AND machinima purposes since there are So many restrictions in that sense. Not to mention they're just fun characters to play as. So I again I hope they go through with it, because It would make Halo 4 all the more useful and enjoyable.
The Falcon would have been an awesome vehicle in halo 4 but I guess not. But I've people forge falcons out of a warthog, some forge pieces and Light Rifles.
Invasion was great, the rivalry between human and elite teams made a lot of sense and made for interesting gameplay, while the new Dominion mode make's little sense and doesn't involve the unique playability it had in Reach.
I've thought of this since Reach's forge, but it would be great if you can change a day map to night (without special FX) or even make a rainy or windy map. This could take map design to a whole new level as well as improve machinima locations.
Do you guys think it'd be a great Idea?