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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. I care none for what is on the list except the Binding of Isaac Rebirth. Must... Have... Updated System... Monstro in 60FPS... Ur, something... I'm having a Team Meat shortage.
  2. What's Eating Gilbert Grape...

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Gilbert's Olive of course.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Gilbert's Grapes are eating themselves of course.

    3. Mothy


      Id say a tapeworm

  3. Well hiello there, Bizkit! Tis nice to make your acquaintance.
  4. Ah, oky doke. School is a higher priority. See you around when you're done!
  5. The SAW. I'm not a big fan of automatic weapons, period, so a power weapon is even more obnoxious. This mafia-style, tommy gun wannabe is annoyingly devastating, incredible fire-rate and butt-kickability to the max, even when I use it. With the addition of jetpack, these monstrosities tear the sanity of anything on ground that cannot counter well enough... Which is most of the time. The encouragement of spraying and praying amplified, and its high occurrence rate doesn't help the matter either... So I guess, in a sense, the ordnance system is the true culprit.
  6. Well nice to meet you! I couldn't BEAR not to say hi.
  7. I pick Hemhorrage. >:3 I liked the original coagulation a bit more than the new version... The gameplay was great as it was, now rather tainted with the Gungoose and Hornet, which hopefully are even replacements for the vehicles that were previously there. The extra cover is okay, but the EMP Towers? ... That's quite a gripe. A plasma pistol is a better investment, and a little mechanic that EMPs all vehicles in a vicinity seems rather... Unnecessary. But oh well, maybe it'll make for some great screenshots. The design on the buildings is too busy, I rather dislike it, though in multiplayer, sightseeing will have to wait... Except for me, who'll be in the base complaining about the interior decor. But I digress... New version: 7.2/10 Original: 9/10
  8. Changed your GT? I liked the other one. But good to see you around again!
  9. Of course, what else will stomp the competition? Out of all the vehicles in Halo 4, I think the mantis was the most well balanced... And that is saying something. I loved its mechanics and design, the shield on it as well, which made for some tactical play from the pilot... But I still dislike the 2 Splaser hits required for it to be destroyed with full shields... After all, player shields are nothing against it. It's weapons are great as well, plus the high recoil makes for a Nerf to what could be devastating iron monstrosity. Sound effects, lovely... Unlike most halo 4 sounds. And the fact that it is the newest and the most unique vehicle added to Halo as of far, gives it a high rating in my book.
  10. Long detonation yes, but when tossed in a tight space during a clusterpub, it is easy for another player to walk onto it's blast radius without noticing due to the chaos they are focused on. I've been a victim of it many times myself.
  11. Hiya there, Locke! It's nice to meet ya, welcome to the family!
  12. I believe so. As I hear surprisingly often, Destiny's campaign is monotonous, short, and quite repetitive, this I myself had seen in the Beta. The multiplayer is decent, fast-paced, and may carry the weight, but is drastically unevened by ranking systems and weaponry, though there are ways to pair up players of equal level and skill, I am sure. I won't say Destiny is bad, it seems to be going side-by-side with Halo 4's judgments, both being new games that were new to the designers, and most likely a test drive. If there is ever a sequel to Destiny, I'm sure it will transcend past the mistakes and even the gameplay itself. So, yes, they can definitely go head to head.
  13. Pulse of course, people don't use it too much due to the difficulty of holding more than one initially, and their appearance to be useless. But, I can tell you, it is the most beautiful piece of weaponry... I tore through its mastery faster than both frag and plasmas, it is devastating... And I love it. Nothing more useful for crowd control, small and tight spaces, and distracting the opponents while you strike them through the flash of light. Gorgeous.
  14. iPad physics, can't remember the code... ever.
  15. Deadeye is best eye. I alternate between Wetwork and Soldier chests... Those are the only ones I like that aren't bulky. Color schemes are limited due to the helmet's compatibility, so usually black, white, or light blue for both primary and secondary, combo those in many ways. Rarely pink, only when I'm in a fab mood.
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