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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. There are a lot of times when I melee but instead It just scopes in and does nothing.
  2. Maybe they'll give him the Infinity's AI, Roland.
  3. Slow and steady, keep the pace. 343 rushed it a lot and it appeared as if they wanted to put so much content in a very short time span. I'm not saying it was bad but just a bit too quick in my opinion.
  4. Welcome to the forums! I hope your time here is very enjoyable.
  5. Welcome Brendan, glad you're "in the house" and hope you enjoy it here.
  6. Hey I subscribe to the community youtube channel and I didn't get the award. Can a mod help with this.

  7. This is very helpful, I've thought about the dominion pieces before, but not in large detail. I was a forger of aesthetics in Reach, and the Halo 4 forge does seem to ad a bit more chances to make a better designed map.
  8. I liked when Plasma grenades were used sparingly instead of today's system where you can fill a hallway with it. I loved in Reach when I throw a frag where an opponent would pass, I drop his shields and with a headshot, drop him/her as well.
  9. RvB is decent, I don't count much as a machinima as it is more a part of life.
  10. Hey ErecShaun, welcome to the community. Hope you like it here.
  11. I like the new gladiator, rebuilding from recession aesthetic they have, though I like the Halo Reach elites a lot.
  12. I just got my new Character Card from Mr. 007. And it's just phenominal. If you're wondering what do do for a signature. I suggest checking with him. Because his work is pretty impressive.

  13. I have the problem time to time as well, just one, two, dead. Three if I'm lucky in the situation. And it should be a little faster.
  14. Hey man, welcome to the community!
  15. I think that is a very accurate observation, they do seem to have a relation.
  16. Lol, that'd be cool. I've seen a guy with only his back and helmet in the screen.
  17. Which track do you enjoy the most? I just love the musical peace "Strident", the aesthetics of it just scream last chance. What about you guys?
  18. Exile, Ragnarok, Haven, and Shatter. I despise Solace.
  19. That would be great. But also they should have a custom game style, crazy gametype like action sack, but make it that you don't get credits from it so people don't boost it.
  20. Shooter: Halo Reach Platformer/Indie: Super Meat Boy Sandbox: Minecraft
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