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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Competitive when I need to, casual on any other occasion.
  2. In reach for the past week, I couldn't play any forge map or forge one. All it says is "failed to load content"Anyone know how to fix this?
  3. This is very well written and thought out, I thoroughly enjoy the ideas you've set so far and am anticipating the rest of your story. Keep it up.
  4. Same here, always unless I'm playing only with those in my Halo 4 party.
  5. Welcome to the community man. It's good to have more aboard.
  6. My favorite has to be Sgt. Johnson, but also the Arbiter.
  7. I was in a falcon in campaign started driving into another AI falcon and was sent rocketing past like half the map.
  8. I watched it on Waypoint on the big screen and on youtube when I'm bored.
  9. There is no fine editing mode, the areas for editing are restricted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMaKVDEBqoY Check this out and see what happened to forge.
  10. I loved the classic Perchance to Dream, Covenant Dance, and Perilous Journey.
  11. Avery Johnson, the toughest, most cigar chomingest marine in the corps.
  12. You can hear the boltshot charge so avoid it along with promethean vision, and The DMR is pretty much regular.
  13. Spartan Ops is cool in the sense of that there is an actual story taking place other than defending a certain spot.
  14. Besides Red vs. Blue, what are your favorite Halo machinima(s)? Mine has to be Arbiter617's Rise of the Spartans.
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