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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Aw, don't go . I would have a conversation with you if I'm on. You're not just another member to me.
  2. I'm back to Reach since I am SR-108 in Halo 4. Plus Reach is my Favorite besides Halo 3.
  3. I miss it deeply. I loved it more than the Hornet in halo 3. Just stinks that it's gone.
  4. I just like the magnum in general. It's a pretty decent weapon in my opinion.
  5. I agree, I could work on becoming a member of character instead of my current actions. Thanks for shedding some light on this subject.
  6. I love the Reach magnum though the ODST one was fun.
  7. Haha! Really? Wow that would be hilarious but tragic to see. I wonder what his team said.
  8. WOW! Nice! I could never do that.
  9. Exactly! In halo 3 you can tell if they are serous or not. I miss that system.
  10. Yeah I know, so many people can't drive well. I've been splattered by my own teammates so many times that it's hard to see the difference between enemy and team vehicles.
  11. Nice work Phosphor. You're really good.
  12. Yep, sucks huh? I hate people like that.
  13. I can host some custom games every second weekend as long as I'm not doing anything.
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