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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Plasma Pistol, couple of BR rounds. Rockets, Spartan Laser, Incinerator, pretty much anything that goes boom.
  2. Halo 3, two scarabs and the hornet section on legendary. Also the flood... Still gives me chills.
  3. Name: Spark918 Country: Serbia (homeland) 343i
  4. The guass hog is incredible, overkills, destroyed vehicle, and killing sprees and frenzies almost every time. It's also the best warthog model.
  5. Sattershot... A beautiful weapon. Easy in close quarters, especially in tight halls where the projectiles bounce on impact on things other than other players and vehicles.
  6. The Multikill capacity on it is impeccable, even though it sometimes leads me into suicide if I stand too close.
  7. Assassinations, it's great to see enemies that annoy you be humiliated by it.
  8. Primary Weapon: BR/DMR Secondary: Magnum Armor Ability: Thruster Pack/Promethean Vision Grenades: Plasma Grenades Mobility Stealth
  9. Wetwork, silent but deadly is how I roll, unless I'm using loud weapons.
  10. Scattershot, love it so much. My first matchmaking with it was one of the best.
  11. UNSC- BR.... You expected something else? Covenant- Beam Rifle, snapshot city. Forrunner- Scattershot all the way! Vehicle- Gauss Cannon Hog, Sprees and Frenzies coming out my bum every time.
  12. Anybody planning on getting it or will you just buy the maps?
  13. That'd be awesome. Great idea bro.
  14. You'll have to wait until the other specializations are released.
  15. Oh, hello, my names Spark918, I'm new to the forums and have come to join this community. Dang, that was cheesy.
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