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Sadly Just AL

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Status Updates posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. I'm done procrastinating, this weekend, it's time to finally watch Attack on Titan.

    1. Azaxx


      And then read every chapter of the manga and all of the side stories :D

  2. Weirdish question... Anyone else thinks Buck looks like Richard Castle?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Lul.....can't believe this actually got asked.


      To specify what Sikslik said, Nathan Fillion, who plays castle, is also the person who players Buck, and who Buck is modelled after. Bit of fun trivia there.

    3. ShockGazm


      This guy right here... this guy.


    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I actually just burst out laughing when I read this.

  3. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the forum, not a member was stirring... Except for the people in the shoutbox. GO TO BED. Anywho, happy holidays, and Merry Christmas! ^_^

  4. Two Betrayals! I have conquered thee once and for all! Hear me roar!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ranger Intel
    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      There's actually a strategy (that does not involve glitches or cheats) that makes that level easy. But nice work.

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      Memorization and stealth really pays off on this level. Good job my friend! :)

  5. Pouring rain! Finally!

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      yep it's pouring where im at too :)

  6. Almost time for break, two more days. Make it happen!

    1. Yoshi1176


      Same here, got to finish Finals though

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      My finals are after break. :c


  8. Hi Exo. c:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EXOArmorLabs


      Your welcome xP

      Its going pretty good! Just relaxing and hanging out right now :)

    3. Sadly Just AL
    4. EXOArmorLabs


      Haha yea, loads of fun xD

  9. Frozen, such a cool movie. :3. But also so cute, loved it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      Dont have anyone to see it with :(

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I saw it with mommy. :3

    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I KNEW IT! I saw that coming continents away! XD

  10. So, get my report card today...... Straight As for the first time. :,D

  11. Hiya there. Welcome to the forums. c:

  12. Hi Theta, welcome to the forums! ^_^

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