Hello 343 Community!
I am here to inform you about the new clan i am starting up called 3rd World Bomb Squad.
We will be a mature, military based clan that will focus on making you a better player/team player. We like to have fun but then again we don't like to lose. We will have different ranking systems that will give you specific specifications that will aid the clan into being successful (ex: general, commander, lieutenant, etc) In order to gain ranks in the clan, you must have a great set of skills AND be mature. I see maturity over skill as anyone can grab a gun and pull the trigger but when it comes down to it and how halo has evolved, strategy is the best route to winning. This is a clan that i am reviving as i had this clan in Halo 3 until my co leader passed away. So i am once again, taking lead into making this a fun and great clan where you can depend on your teammates to not let you down.
What to expect:
Serious players
Different branches (CTF, MLG,REGICIDE etc)
And if this clan seems to grow at an exceptional amount then i will consider building a website
Requirments : 14 + to join and MATURITY IS MANDATORY.
If you would like to join, please send me a message on here, OR add/send me a message to my XBL gamertag : Valtekk
HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS ON HALO 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!