_File Info_
gamertag: darkrence
game type: airlock (extraction)
map: airlock (Impact)
you will need thruster packs, game type should have it but forge mode uses custom so just fyi.
gameplay note: its best to use thrusters at bottom of ramp when you enter player trait area and infected vision turns on. try not to hit the sides as it sometimes will launch you up to high twords kill zones.
i played it with 2 friends to test out if you could see incomming people from mantis view....
one game the trait zone moved 10 units forward, not sure why...
please would love feedback on gameplay
my questions on map and type.
1. kill zones, did i do them right.... worried they are to thin for fast moving thrusters.
2. weapons, are they too strong, would it be better if there where no weapons just vehicles.
3. i used extraction in place of multi-flag is there a better way around scoring? im worried about people waiting to score point while extraction re-loads... i made time limt for extraction to work with soft kill area.
4. rounds and time per round, atm its 4 rounds, 2 min each... too fast?
5. i added player waypoint visable to all for area alpha(the gap) so defenders can see players better. should it be removed.
anything else would be helpful, first time posting a map and usally one make maps to play with friends and are not this detailed... also still trying to figure out how to get a pic of map on here (edit: )
again thanks and send me message if you wanna play any game mode. i dont have alot of friends who play h4 anymore.. 1/2 still play reach or play other games.....