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Everything posted by Halogeek99

  1. COD matches wouldnt even start from all technical problems that would arise given the kind of population Halo4 has frequently. That says something about the quality of game netcode and overall quality of Halo4. Despite having all its odds for it given the population including being a peer-to-peer game, Black Ops2 is the most screwed up game to be released lag/lag comp wise on XBox EVER. Lag screws you up in even in GOOD connect scenarios actually. Thats where its at.
  2. You talk within TEAM Tucker. Thats the point. I mostly play full parties in Halo. This is keystone to do well. Halos always been like that. Doesnt matter really, and i half dont belive its true, not when i played BO2 anyway. Back Ops2 is complete garbage, why even pretend its competitive? its a joke! COD is a next to zero skill gap game where running around like a headless chicken spamming a SMG from 10ft distance makes you successful, so non-communication works anyway. Its basically a lone wolf style game played in teams. Halo is a proper teams game.
  3. Halogeek99

    4SK BR

    Gandhis got some points on CSR tho. Well see.
  4. IMO as these playlists stands today, i think 343i should give away the map packs for free.
  5. Youre right Hater - its better. Yea BETTER.
  6. Halogeek99

    4SK BR

    No, I think it would make it horrendously overpowered. As for balance issues vs the DMR; just speed up BR rate of fire ever so slightly if anything. Or have the bloom return slower on the DMR. Gandhi is completely off on this one btw. Promotes teamwork AND helps a player carry a team? Cant be both Gandhi. IMO one extra shot more promotes teamshotting and indirectly teamwork if anything. I can understand lone wolfer style players would like 4sk though.
  7. Op: Regarding the new rank system I think 343i just want to start putting it up on the website and check how it affects the playerpase. If its a huge hit they'll link it into the game for sure.
  8. Hey 343 we want a ranking system. Now. We can't play without it. Impossible. Oh, yeah, we must be able to dodge it too. Don't forget that. Important. We can't play if not. Thanks. A True Halo fan playing since the CE dev betas.
  9. But then again. Once those changes are done (upcoming playlist?) I probably be back playing Infinity rules. I just know it.
  10. Perhaps you would make sense if you wasn't rushed too. Just a thought.
  11. Ok. You are the dying breed. We get it. Move on.
  12. Good is the guy owning you over and over. Rank matters not, just what happens during matches. I have absolutely no trouble whatsoever picking out strong and weak players I oppose. 9/10s of time I play with known buds, full party, chatting and calling. Perhaps you should try that instead of whining like an old man? Game owns. Completely.
  13. Boosted? Like anyone cares about a 130SR haha 1vs1? Ok, but remember sensor ON!
  14. Every match has objectives and a victor. 4+1 still counts. Best team wins. Nothing changed there. Tempo is upped. A lot. Halo3 plays so slow you fall asleep, so yeah. Maby a somewhat different/more skill is needed this time around. Good players adapt.
  15. Call of Duty is utter **** compared to Halo4. Not worthy to be mentioned in the same scentence really. Just saying.
  16. Do you honestly feel loadouts makes that sort of significance Jerry? I feel they make next to none difference. They just work as a preference to fit individual playerstyle imo. And this is a good thing. Games like COD have just about all significance in loadouts and weapon combos. But that game also has zero skill gap.
  17. Yet I have friends who goes less good in like one match out of 30. Randomness? No. They're just very skilled and fast thinking players. Second. I highly doubt you out strafe someone and yet being killed. You may have been, but not by that player alone. You was likely teamshotted and didn't notice. Or did miss shots.
  18. You have the same options as the enemy. Utilize them. 4+1 still counts and fastest most clever player wins. Just like it ever was.
  19. I meant comparably to Halo3 days Chris.
  20. It's not randomness in general. What you see is 9/10s Halo freaks online. Some bad, but most quite ok. In Halo3 daysyou had 300k noobs to kill for two years more or less. They play COD now after trying Halo for two weeks. That's where its at. If you opposed some guys I play with you see no randomness. You'll be killed 5 times for every kill you get. Over and over and over. Lol
  21. Then your MLG friends are not that good anymore. Or you became better comparably. 4+1 still counts. Only speed of play and movement is upped really.
  22. No, its gameplays so slow I'm going to sleep in multiplayer. It was good 2007. These days its a dino.
  23. You dont need to. Im just telling how it is for me and friends. Guys with most skills is still on top. Simple as that. I'd say biggest difference to Halo3 ( outcome wise) is that team killing is a little more important. Not as muchas in Reach, but moreso than H3. This is because killingtimes and movement speed is faster.
  24. Theres actually real good Reach forge remakes to download now. The Cage, Pinnacle and Asylum remakes are stunningly good. Best memories in Reach multiplayer right there Lets not talk too much of Sword Base (hated it) LOL
  25. Cod (and especially Bo2) is a joke compared to Halo4. Thats for sure. So good choice there man! Are you sure Br isnt better btw? It is!
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