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Everything posted by Halogeek99

  1. Yes. But they also APPEAR too fast. (ordonance drops/loadouts)
  2. Just look at k/d ratio then. Funny thing is. As soon as any rank system is out you gonna have people coming to this board in hordes pleading 343i to remove it. You'll also have all these multiple accounters, and derankers flooding online. So, you people have no idea what you're wishing for really.
  3. I still like the game, and think it deserves a much bigger population. Especially compared to crap Bo2.
  4. Better solution: Remove the options for weapon loadouts and have Br/Dmr spawn on map. The Ar is far from useless. It's been powered up bigtime since earlier Halos. It doesn't need to be upped at all. The real issue is to reduce the amount of simultaneous ongoing power weapons and battlerifles around. People came onto these boards day one of release with this observation, so its nothing new.
  5. Is Halsey bad? Her spartan program saved humanity right? Sometimes "bad" things end up good. And vice versa.
  6. Halo 4 needs a big load of casual players online. Once you have this, half the issues with multiplayer wont seem as issues anymore.
  7. Haha. Let me express that in other words; I don't find the campaign as important as multiplayer. Hopefully neither do 343i. I played it though. Once. On legendary solo
  8. I like Regicide actually. I was more or less defending it.
  9. I understand this, and probably agree with you on design issues, but I won't accept claims that this game helps noobs when its actually the very opposite...
  10. My best skilled friends only dies once on every four fifth kill, so maby you're too noobish for Halo4? You're in good company! Join the club with 99% of the population.
  11. Its the easiest Halo to kill someone yes, but also the easiest to die in (and you still need 4+1 shots to finish a player). Biggest difference is tempo, wich is waaaaay upped. Noobs don't play it either. So, yeah, this is probably because the game is so casual, soft and sit-back styled. Not. And BTW rank is meaningless. Why even bring it up in a balance discussion? Not rewarding good players? I have friends with k/ds like 8000/2000 and such. I start a BTO with them, never hear their BRs stop shooting for the whole match (unless ammo is out). Usually we pass four opposing teams until the matches are done because of quitting. Same in Slayer. They're dominating so hard its unseen of. Nothing in Halo3 was ever so slanted really, since they're soo good with Br/Dmr, spawn with them, and these weapons are like lasers in H4. That's how it is. Btw As far as experience goes, I've played all Halos. Put in 4000 matches in Halo3. You?
  12. Neither map pack failed. Only the spread of them
  13. BTW on subject Modern era Halo players. This is his characteristics; Camo, wallhack, shield hogger, Camper. Croacher. Asshat. Started with Reach that.
  14. I like the fact jetpack is useful tho. Only plus of list.
  15. AL?? You guys just be ******* insane. You miss Sword Base elevator room camping too? Halo 4 multiplayer is stunning at visuals and engine core. It just needs some tweaking to be epicly good. Campaign is bleak though. I'd like to put Masterchief into his box. He's southern "badass" style is out of its time. Boring. They should have gone with a campaign story in line with Spartan Ops, and have you following/playing as fire team Crimson instead. Theres some fresh story. Also a campaign story in a diary format would have been cool. Similar to the feel in Spartan Ops. Actually I think a campaign in a DLC format and in a cinematic (spiced up with multiplayer style sections working as multiplayer practice) style would be better (much like SO). That would also mean they can keep it going for as long as there's interest more or less. Better to have 343 focus larger part of pre-release on developing/perfecting multiplayer instead. A long DLC campaign could also mean a possibility for 343 to rake in the extra dough this way instead of limiting multiplayer maps of release media. Milk casual campaign players and hold harcore players more close heart so to speak This combined with dev focus on multiplayer means a bigger/longer community following also, which add to game cycle ROI in a more smart way IMO.
  16. You're toast with an AR on BT. Period.
  17. Problem with classes Wolf is that it breaks the balance formula of old Halo games. Also no bloom hit scan makes every match a hyper battlerifle slugfest. Creativitys gone. Closeups are gone. Tactics and collaboration suffer from the exremly high gameplay tempo, and short kill times. Drops makes map locations more or less useless. Callouts is pointless - everybody sits on a power weapon at all times almost. I can't really recognize Halo as I remember it. Its a new game. A nicer looking game, but also a more frustrating and boring game. I still play though. I hope 343 will tweak it into gold somehow.
  18. And I never played CoD or Halo before Wolf guy? No, I'm just ranting for the fun of it. Anyone thinking Halo4 plays like COD should have their head examined. Or try the games at least before blabbering.
  19. Wrong, bungieown343. Halo4 is a HALO game on steroids with a COD skin. No less, no more.
  20. No Kevin, the game is not fine. If you scare off 9/10s of the population in two months, something's wrong. Tempo of gameplay is too high. Stresses people out. Combine this with hit scan rifles and no bloom/recoil + possibility to spawn with weapons like that and you get a casual gamer nightmare. This is what you see online today. No two ways about it.
  21. Halo 4 is NOTHING like COD gameplay wise, no matter the tiny similarities like loadouts and instaspawns. Gameplay requires a completely different approach, and 10 times more skill to be successful. The average COD player would get like 1 accidental kill and 25 deaths average in slayer as of competition level today. That's why people are gone.
  22. Like these "bumrushers" wasn't around in Lone Wolf FFA playlist in Halo3...? FFA was always kill stealing! I don't know whats planet you guys come from. Not earth anyway.
  23. Agree with Br-suggestions above. Make it four shot, or speed up bursts a bit. This would do aswell. Make Dmr the obvious choice on longer distances, Br the mid distance king. Keep Ar power as is. + fixed load outs, weapons on map, Ar/Pistol starts default + make spawn times a tad longer + remove skill based matchmaking, pair up on connect alone, even up teams based on previous lobby match results + weaken the Mantis, it ruins Ragnarok (yes it does!) + try in any way possible to have less power weapons at once, reduce drops or whatever. Something needs to be done! + invest in the Halo-franchise & the 720, put a big stab at Activision heart (COD), and give away the map packs for free now!! Oh one last thing; jetpack needs a bigger boost
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