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Everything posted by Halogeek99

  1. Launch maps of Halo 4 is ten times better than the in-game **** maps of Reach. (One map excluded; Powerhouse) Just saying. Regarding noone working on H4; I think Microsoft said "what the **** are you doing with our money?" some months ago. Canceled things. So to speak. Last thing the employees saw as they left for Xmas leave was Balmer making a brief visit to publicly T-bag Frank OConnor.
  2. If Halo 4 is the 4th most played game, it sure means a sad state for XBox and XBL, because the game is deserted. Vanilla Slayer on forge maps in Reach is the best Halo experience u can get. Still.
  3. I don't plan to play H4 that much. I play vanilla Reach when I'm on.
  4. Its certainly NOT Halo anyway (camo campers)
  5. Who the **** plays Halo for campaign?
  6. Question is: Would this have happened if game formula from, say Halo2/3 was kept? Seems you can't win changing a franchise too much. Truth that
  7. Use wall hack. preferably as a team and call out as well.
  8. 3 is coolest. Actually. Then just finish the campaign on legendary solo.
  9. What does h4 have now? 40k daily? OK the ranking system will make that 5k in some months. In case u folks missed it; the Xbox is dead. H3 was good. Guitar hero was best. End of story.
  10. Its hard not to love the guys. Like the read. Really. Nice they giving away the specializations. Nice they look over the playlists. Ill love a forge playlist, and looking forward to see what the TU brings. Good news for a promising 2013!
  11. Firstly, it wouldn't be much PRAY in it. Itll be old school Halo game play! In Halo 3 MM everyone was all out. Everyone! There was a lot of AR + tactical nade tossing, team killing and complete melee-fests. And there's very much skill in that too. Those were the glory days of Halo as I remember it.
  12. Yeah, It really takes skill holding a shield up, pointing at the guy shooting at you. Real skill! Idiots.
  13. I rather have the Reach gameplay with the H4 gfx to be honest. H4 is insanely good looking. But that's all unfortunately. SeekerOfTruth, its actually the other way around - Reach encourages (and enables) teamwork more. Much more. Halo 4 is like COD - incidental teamwork. More or less.
  14. Coolest helmet is Grenadier no attachments in combo with para body + arm, no shoulder pads.
  15. Actually COD is more fun, since any play style or weapon can give you success. That's not the case in Halo4. This is also what drove the casuals away.
  16. Reach would have been undisputed XBL king still if they put up a pure 4vs4 slayer playlist with forge maps only. This is the biggest mistake Bungie and 343i has done regarding Halo Reach. Just look how the vote still goes in the slayer playlist ffs. It's been the same since day zero almost. Slayer DMRs, Slayer Pro, and the ****ty in-game maps is what ruined Reach for the vast majority playing casually. I'm certain of this. All the DMRs fans always had Swat, MLG, to some extent BTB, and even Team Snipers (its the same type of fans) playlists to go (including picking up their favorite weapon at any time in regular slayer - the noobs won't!), but pure casuals had NOWHERE to go. And its partly because they're obsessed with this idea of milking the franchise. We should play the map packs and good forbid we like something else, like forge. That, and listening to an abysmal community that done NOTHING but killing the franchise. See where this got you 343? The TOILET. Somebody only needs to flush.
  17. Reach gameplay is exactly so "slow" it needs to be for things like strategy, tactics, gameplay, and teamwork to WORK! I rather have things a little slower and working, than playing a random chaos like Halo 4.
  18. OK Ill have to stop playing H4 then, because its not too rarely I use certain sexual preferences as a curse to people behaving like chickens playing. I have nothing against those people I use as reference, but in my regional and cultural context such words has double meanings almost. I'm sorry.
  19. Try connecting with an un-modded XBox. It helps. It also helps running a legal copy of the game.
  20. I played a lot of BO2 today, and things usually end with me getting seriously bored, making the switch to another game. I booted up Reach (love Reach!). I then got this idea to check Bo2 players stats, which is easily done via players list/profile. A very clear pattern emerged here. Cod players are most likely made up by the worst players on Xbl!! I checked like all players I've played since an hour ago, and no one had a better k/d than 0.5-0.6 in Reach. Not even the players absolutely dominating several of the matches, having their profiles filled with MLG gamer pics and such. I loled.
  21. H4 use a skill system in matchups already. You'll notice it very clearly if you go in with a full team of friends who are very skilled or very bad at the game. The matchups vill vary big time accordingly. And Kaseli, firstly the out scope reticle removal will only mean people draws a point on their physical monitor (this is what many incredibly good quickscopers of COD does BTW). Stupid suggestion. And you can't have the AR function like that on the battle rifles, since its so easy to get shots in if the range is right. The DMR/BR wielder won't have a chance getting a shot in while exchanging really. AR power is fine as is, especially when you consider how incredible versatile and powerful the DMR is. The DMR needs a nerf anyway. Best thing is to have BLOOM actually. Bungie was right. Truth hurts sometimes. Bloom as a representation for recoil and loss of coherency while shooting is a wonderful mechanic. They should have developed the concept, not ditching it.
  22. I didn't get anything of it. Game had the same stupid story as the rest. When will writers learn the old "Star Wars" story isn't going to work any more? We had 567 alterations. Not even modern day 12yr olds dig that simple **** any more. The Spartan Ops story is ten times better. They should build a story on the cons of Dr Halseys spartan program. A story on side effects and tragedy of the dehumanization of the spartan kids for instance. Less Star Wars, more personal things.
  23. Dmr, Lr, sniper headshotting + a Scattershot on your back is the answer. Firstly clean out everything except the knights, including their flying support, then work them one at a time from distance, and finally go in with the scattershot at close when one or two left. Be sure to pick off all you can from distance, and dont step trough any doors that separates you from ammo refill untill whatever could be done is done. That's what I did finishing campaign on legendary. In fact at the final levels I ninjaed them with the scattershot like a demon, often with two or three close to me. It works better than you initially think.
  24. Backend Pruff Rating How many micro farts you let off per minute in multiplayer. Kinect can sense and record these things you know.
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