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Everything posted by Halogeek99

  1. Blops1 is better in every way. Blops2 feels like MW3 gameplay in multiplayer (too fast, bad spawns etc, I'm 1.3 kd as a run n gun player so its not I can't handle things), aka pure crap. Zombies also much better in Blops1. This new Bo will not last as long as the previous one I think. Who gives a **** about COD campaigns?
  2. Know what? My friend and I are equally skilled at Halo, but in the beginning when we were playing this game he racked up insanely high kill streaks going like 25-3 and such game after game. He couldn't port forward because he was running a temporary I-net line on a mobile carrier. I did normally, but he was insane. Match after match. Perhaps it was his closed NAT. I can't really see why it should matter for more than your possibility to connect to other players though......
  3. I agree with alot youre saying about multiplayer OMG Treason, but I think campaign was half cool, Gfx stunning of course, but first half OK, late parts boring and , like "Oh another five Knights to slay", and then "Wtf a mirror tower!" with more of the same... and, again, again. (only played on legendary, dunno if it was better on heroic feel wise). Spartan Ops I feel is real cool, much better than Firefight, and if you ask me, this is how they should tackle campaign in the next game (if any). Lots of high end vids pushing the story on, complemented with well designed chapters. They could even go in diary format if you ask me. Multiplayer I don't like. Insta spawns bad, Ordonance drops bad, optional weapon load outs bad, here they really need to fix things. IMO a game like this becomes judged by multiplayer alone in the end. Core is GOOD though! So much I like, but they really need to balance up things, eliminate the chaos, and realize the fact that gameplay is being too heavily focused on battle rifles. I despise some new AAs, like wallhack, which is very much NOT Halo (who came up with this idea? Sack him!). Also I feel they need to either give AAs a bigger impact or remove them completely. Jetpack is completely worthless in H4. That's a shame because its the only AA requiring skill (to be used as something more than just a method of movement), so they should REWARD players for the effort (which is also a very Haloesque approach to things), not the other way around! Also the vertical dimension is something real unique and cool. They should have put a much bigger emphasis into letting community know this is the next big thing in the Halo franchise (of course Bungie is to blame a bit for this also), not dumping it like in Halo 4!! Jetpack is a GEM! This are my feelings on Halo 4. In short.
  4. IDC. People can believe your fantasy or my truth. They're free to choose.
  5. IDC. I was there. You talk out of your ***.
  6. No The Arena wasn't a failure, its was and still is the most FAIR competitive environment ever (something you definitely can't say about team/win/lose fake skill). The Arena didn't fail, 90% of player population wasn't interested, and you "competitive" sods weren't interested in being judged on an individual basis. I played Halo 3 online for three years daily. Got over 4000 matches under belt. I KNOW.
  7. 90% of Halo 3 population spent 90% of time in SOCIAL playlists, so you're WRONG. Blops2 netcode is no less laggy than H4, and you get tenfold better connects at any time due to player count. Half the time people complain about connect issues its because the gameplay and movement is faster than ever and kill times in regular playlists made even shorter with all weapons.
  8. Lol true. But Reach rocks anyway
  9. But wallhack is OK huh?
  10. Why weren't all you bull****ters in The Arena then? And most likely the lot of you only spent like 1% of your time in the Halo3 ranked playlists (on repeated tries on multiple new accounts I might add!). As soon as you realize you're stuck at 35 no matter what it was social all day. Think I wasn't around? Bull****. Yeah. I'm sure you got your 50 in the Lone Wolves playlist, right? And you did get it late into game cycle, not the first three months, experienced from H2, when multiplayer was flooded by noobs who just got an Xbox trying to learn Halo3 as their first fps, right? Soooo easy I can inform you that Bo2 is utter crap. I play it. With success. Doesn't change my opinion.
  11. You obviously haven't got a clue on jetpack usage dude. Jetpack in Halo 4 caters the noob usage; jumping up platforms and for sake of lamish mobility use only (i figure this is tops what the typical MLG marksman or Halo3 BR fetishist manage to handle lol) Reach jetpack in the hands of a skilled player was a WEAPON, enabling long almost level flight whilst nade tossing + scoping/no scoping off ops mid flight in any direction. Using it with a man cannon you'd stay up for a week seeking and hitting pray. I think your post is up on the nonsense leaderboard BTW.
  12. If BR is a four-shotter and DMR a five, you can compensate with having the BR shortened in range. To speed up BR is also a solution.
  13. Apart from Bolt shot being Op (I agree), so is the perk system an annoyance, yes. But not (only) for being in, but for implementation! In Reach the AA's was diverse and all-out so to speak. They catered for ANY style of play. But in Halo 4 we only got ONE play style catered for regarding perks; the MLG style of play (sprint+DMR/BR style). That's the reason Jetpack is nerfed beyond recognition, that's why AL is gone, camo is nerfed, that's why wall hack is in. All is there to cater this boring Marksman/Warden playstyle of Reach.
  14. As if Ms couldn't have ensured Bungie for a new period if they wanted? They considered Reach a fail and decided to give the franchise to a new business. The irony is; the new business failed even harder
  15. Campaign?You must be kidding me
  16. A game needs to be real ****ty if a ranking system is needed to keep people playing. Its always about the competitiveness in forums like this, but if you check online you'll see everyone in H3 in social playlists (was always like this!), you'll see no one in the SUPERIOR Arena of Reach, and max 1k players or less totally in MLG playlists of the games. So, , people aren't interested in that **** at ALL. Get it? PS. Even Blops2 League is a completely deserted place (was always like this too). If anything, all this MLG bull**** destroyed this franchice. Not the other way around.
  17. Yes I did. And I know. But the DMR is even stronger and no bloom makes it stronger still. So carbine fests it becomes. All the time. carbine = "carbine" as in any of the possible battle rifles.
  18. No I don't have the map packs installed (I bought them tho). I don't like them at all. I like FORGE maps. The only thing the map packs does for me in Reach is ******** me off by reminding me I don't have the proper content as I go into matchmaking every time.
  19. What dope are you on?? I dash for everything except forge maps in Reach. Swordbase and Countdown makes me want to PUKE! Powerhouse is good tho. Its open and outdoors. Reach SHINES on outdoor forge maps like Asylum, Cage and Pinnacle. The few ****ty forge maps are those made to cater MLG type players . Made like indoor labyrinths with a roof as low you can't even jump. Or those made like outdoor labyrinths with buildings so high there's only the ground route to take and absolutely no edges or platforms to get onto. I figure this is what you like if your favorite class is Marksman or Warden, aka bull**** boring MLG style play. Give me plain TS, AR/Pistol starts, optional loadouts on The Cage 24/7!! I want to have FUN! And who gives a **** about color schemes??? And while at it. Can someone explain the rationals behind having Slayer Pro (MLG style slayer), and Slayer DMRs (very similar to MLG style slayer) in the TS playlist?? MLgG has a playlist of their OWN. Go there if you like the play style that much. Getting these type of matches all the time pisses me off! And what's the idea behind Slayer DMRs??? Just pick up any carbine in the regular slayer ffs! Why force the entire lobby to use the DMR in the first place!???? I don't get it sorry. Sometimes you wonder about the Einstein's thinking this **** up. Elite Slayer as an option is valid though . In case you've missed it, I'm talking Reach 100% here that's what I play.
  20. Know what? Its the strangest thing. These are the very same people who insist slayer dmrs or slayer pro in TS of Reach. That or a dash. I don't get it really.... Why deny people to have the loadout or weapon of there choice?? You'll find a dmr ******* everywhere at all times in a regular TS match, so why????????????!???????? Can someone explain. And why do stupid 343 promote this by having all these ****ty variants of slayer with the sole purpose of making choice less for certain people? I don't get it. Aren't these MLG/slayer pro fans the very same ones boasting of being the best? Do they mean best as long as no one gets anything else but there own personal favorite gun and ability? I DONT GET IT. AND ITS ******** ME OFF.
  21. I bought the pass straight off day one, but since h4 only premieres one play style - carbine fests - I dont play halo 4 at all now. They should gie this game for free to all MLG/slayer pro fans of Reach, so we the rest can have some TRUE fun somewhere. I can offer both game and maps for free if I could. And its not because of me being bad with br/dmr. Its just so ******* boring.
  22. I do the mistake of buying bad games all the time. **** happens. I still like Reach waaay more than H4. Its like 100% less random, and not just a chaotic mess like H4 with its zero kill times and insta spawns. Also I like perks to have function if in a game, not being there just as a thing on the feature list. Back to Reach VANILLA slayer it is.
  23. You get teamwork in previous Halos WITHOUT mics, because those games had slower gameplay. Also Reach encouraged it higher than ever how it was balanced with bloom. Halo 4 is a lone wolf game in style of Cod except for BTB where things establish somewhat naturally still. The more I play Reach, the more I realize how incredibly good Bungie was. Especially in game balance/design issues. In fact Reach was a game expecting TOO MUCH of its user base. Bungie was awesome really.
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