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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Awesome : D I would bet that pisses them off quiet a bit.
  2. All the times that I have been forced to join an in progress game, it is with me being on the team that is losing 40 kills to 15.
  3. I do co-op. You get more xp from doing Find Game then you do from doing Play Chapters.
  4. If they had it so that you could play older missions, everyone would be doing Sniper Alley. 4-6 minutes a run, and over 5k xp. Makes it nearly 12k xp per run with double xp.
  5. Too bad it isn't in 3rd person, like when you carry a turret. Of course, then the female would have to be hot, and maybe some bikini armor.
  6. I can hit the level cap in just around 70 minutes. If you run Spartan Ops, with double xp going, you can get 12000 xp in 10 minutes. So what do you do the rest of the day? Lol.
  7. While reading through this discussion, I just realized... That I have been playing as a female character for about a day and a half now. . No wonder I kept hearing a female voice panting whenever I sprinted.
  8. You cannot use Find Game to play the previous episodes, but you can, as previously stated, you can take a party into Play Chapters, and play all the previous chapters. You will not get as much xp as you would through Find Game, though.
  9. I had the same problem, but it was on Galileo. If you looked closely at them, they weren't invisible. They actually were just missing all the graphics. They still had the very thin stick figure that is used in the basic motion of the characters. Makes for a very interesting game, but it seems it is a little rare for it to happen.
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