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Everything posted by Cortar

  1. You mean think less since there is no way to know what they have, its just a toss of the dice. No strategy or thinking involved. Thats just frankly not true and you know it. Instant respawn is a choice thats not a choice. There is no benefit or strategy to NOT choose it. Oh yes, so the good player should be punished for being good. So then what are you supposed to do after you get a triple kill? Die just because the game won't give you any ammo? "Oh no, you have too many kills, too bad for you, here is your free death. We can't let the enemies be too disappointed, this free kill will make them feel better!"
  2. If you are oneshot and are able to sprint away, then it wouldn't have mattered if you had mobility or not. Not in this context it doesn't. Obviously the radar is better with this perk, but that doesn't make it absolutely neccesry like the explosion perk is. A better example would be if radar is disabled and a perk GAVE you a radar.
  3. What??? Why? Why would they have a stat in a multiplayer focused mode that you can only earn in single player???? This makes no sense!
  4. Especially in shootout in Valhalla. Why friendly fire is on in this mode I will never understand. This mission, more than most, is completely impossible to play online due to the tk'ing and overall jerkoff-ish-ness
  5. Or it could be on a player to player basis... duh x_x
  6. You should really learn how to read before you post on forums.
  7. But the game forces you to choose PV... So thats out of the question Mobility is only useful at the beginning of a match to secure weapons/vehicles or when you respawn. In combat its pretty worthless because you can't sprint when someone is shooting you. Your comment about the radar doesn't make any sense since the radar is already incredibly powerful. So ya, your whole post was pointless.
  8. Yes, because wanting a feature that is easy to implement and has been a standard of this game series for 10 years now is being "needy"
  9. This is a great argument of why we should nerf the BS, thank you.
  10. People keep saying this but I have yet to see a team win a game when their whole team has a worse k/d ratio than the other team.
  11. But has awful bloom and will lose to the DMR/BR 99% of the time Using the AR or storm rifle is never playing the game right So if an opponent runs away then he is home free because its too dangerous to chase him on the chance that he has a SECONDARY gun. (1) You don't always have grenades and since you can't pick them up off the map or allies they are even more scarce (2) Some corners are too tight to do this.
  12. Cortar

    Ranking system

    No, they aren't. There will be a "ranking system" but it will only be viewable from waypoint, not in game, so basically, no point.
  13. Except if we are at medium range I will just use my DMR and win. Then the next time we meet around a corner, I kill you with the boltshot while you shoot 1-2 times with your magnum.
  14. No one in their right mind would say Reach was better though...
  15. No, not at all, what point were you trying to make here?
  16. But see, the difference is that 343 was doing damage control at that point. They didn't make the game, they only came in later to fix things. Halo 4 is different though because they worked on it from the beginning until the end yet they still end up with this crappy product. They can do more damage control, but thats just it, and its not as likely as them doing it in Reach.
  17. Thats not cool though man! Good players will know too much and be able to defeat worse players, and thats not fair! They needed to make Halo 4 to give bad players a chance too!
  18. This... actually makes a lot of sense, though its still kinda pointless because the DMR/BS is probably strictly better Thats not enough justification to choose the magnum over the boltshot though
  19. Almost undoubtedly they will be available in the next map pack... If you buy it.
  20. Cortar

    I hate the AR

    "mystical skill" Being able to aim is something most players can do, if its too hard for you then just stick with the AR, thats what it is there for. The DMR and BR do take skill to use, a ton more than the AR or most other guns, thats why everyone at pro level uses them adn everyone else tries to.
  21. Na, COD could never implement a ranking system. The game is too simplistic plus its users would be too scared of it.
  22. He tried to use popular opinion as the basis for the quality of something. My example works perfectly to show why that is silly.
  23. Cortar

    I hate the AR

    The AR in Halo games was always meant to be weak for a reason: it takes no skill to use. Its supposed to lose against precision weapons at all ranges as long as the precision user doesn't miss but apparently 343 didn't get that memo when they picked up this series.
  24. Yes, tell that to Nintendo. Their sales of the last Mario game on the wii were sooooo terrible.
  25. Not without sending you better hardware, or decreasing the level of graphics in the game. Both of which are probably not going to happen.
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