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Everything posted by Cortar

  1. Awesome write up, thank you for posting it here.
  2. The point of the thread was to have an actual discussion on this. You are the one who started the bashing. Im reporting you for responding to this thread with nothing but hate and flaming. wth are you talking about? This is not physically possible. See, in objective games, to cap the objective, you HAVE to kill the enemies otherwise they will just stop, easily. The team that got more kills and less deaths had more time to capture the objective uncontested, so on average, they are the team that wins. Its probably even much more than 50% though, I would venture a guess and put it at LEAST 80% if not more.
  3. You should read my reply before posting useless drivel like this.
  4. This. Its pretty much the same for every single map. (there are like 1-2 exceptions)
  5. Good point, obviously Justin Bieber is doing something right too!
  6. You don't unless you are playing at an extremely high level of play. In halo 3 you could get to 50 without knowing the times. Also I FTFY
  7. Smaller maps are history now. With sprint and all of the AA, smaller maps can't really be balanced well.
  8. Stop trolling, thats not even funny.
  9. They will after they sell a few map packs. Probably after they release the 2nd one.. But maybe they might hold out until the third
  10. They removed a lot of fun guns. The point is that the magnum doesn't have a role in this game. Theres really no point for it.
  11. That has literally nothing to do with it. Its not about arm vs finger muscles. Its about your controller. On console you have a stick that moves at a very slow rate and is hard to turn. On the PC you have a mouse which has neither of those problems.
  12. Says someone with a 1.0 k/d -____- No... I never go negative... even when I am King. You can't assist a king that spawns runs into the middle of where the enemies are camping, dies, repeats. Actually it pretty much is. Only very rarely in objective games can you win with an lesser overall k/d than the enemy team. This isn't an objective game like that though. The winning team will have a higher k/d. You have no clue what you are talking about. I still haven't lost a game of TR when I am King for most of the time. Also thats a horrible punishment. Here you are bad! Lets make your entire team lose because of you!
  13. Cortar


    Two. In previous Halo games though, if you did it a lot, one would give people the option to give you the boot but I don't know if they kept it. Also in BtB, splatters don't count as "betrayals" I think
  14. What are you talking about? Maybe you should read my posts more carefully so I don't have to explain everything to you twice.
  15. If you are keeping distance, then why not just use the DMR/BR? If you get close enough that the magnum wins then thats close enough for a boltshot to 1hko you
  16. Your bad spelling is probably why you are banned from the shoutbox
  17. Instant Respawn + super long shield regen times = you kill someone, and they will almost certainly spawn and be able to kill YOU before your shields regen from the first fight :-( This is not okay.
  18. One can only hope.... But they were bought out by Activision so I wouldn't get your hopes up....
  19. Im sorry, I meant for this to count towards the PERSONAL score. Not the team's score. If you notice, on the scoreboard the score it shows is your personal score, which counts all medals; the TEAMS score only counts kills (I think, Im pretty sure it doesn't count anything else). Also, this is really only important in Team Regicide where the system gives the king so many medals is hard for him to lose his kingship, even if he is playing poorly.
  20. I meant the analogy to apply to the entire game to explain the differences in low and high skill gap games.
  21. When you can either have Boltshot or Plasma Pistol? The reload time is about the same as the weapon switch time, so there's no point in having it to finish off enemies. The boltshot is better close range and the PP has much more utility So what role is the magnum supposed to fill?
  22. Cortar

    Forge Maps.

    Maybe, probably after they sell a few map packs though Not working, again, they will probably fix this after a few map packs You can get them all separately but it will be more expensive. If you don't plan on sticking around for another year I would just buy them individually Yup, this is pretty much the sentiment of everyone else too!
  23. Geez it seems like every other game has 1-2 players afk the entire game.... I don't see why they aren't booted from game!
  24. But there are no games that play like the original Halo series... Except the original Halo series ofc, but H3's matchmaking gets worse and worse as there are fewer and fewer people on it. So its not really an option
  25. I honestly wish it were disabled from Infection, so many times I feel bad for killing people by boasting into a ramp then coming at them at impossible speeds and getting cheap kills with it.
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