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Everything posted by Jamesw01

  1. Im just wondering to know how many people play compared to complain.
  2. I have a seperate account that i use then the one i signed up with on this and if ur admitting to not being good ur points invalid as u cant use the weapon the way it was intended to be.
  3. Title was sarcasm guess that went over your head. Did u even read what i wrote.
  4. So ur complaing to complain good job
  5. Now that power weapons are so available i beliece your correct with lesser ammo
  6. Mine would be when i was under fire from a warthog and he came close i tried to jack him but ended up in the passenger seat. My teamate preceded to wig the turret guy with a sniper, while the guy driving hopped out and i five shotted him while i was still in the passenger seat.
  7. But if ur good with the br u can beat a dmr just because its better on paper doesnt mean its better when ur playin. More factors need to be considered when your playin.
  8. Jamesw01


    I thought the same with the sticky detenator it seems much weaker. Maye there doin some behing the scenes balancing. Even though i always thought the stiicky detenator was fine.
  9. This is a really bad idea im dominating with it as it is. Making it 4 shot will only add to the problem of balance. I dont understand what the problem is, quit actin like every battle is 1v1 and shot for shot. What happened to flanking throwing grenades and other tactics. Ive personally have invested time into playing and learning the br and thinks its fine and on smaller maps now i prefer it. Never thought id say that but yea. In conclusion im still gonna say in the end it comes down to the player not the weapon.
  10. Cant we just play and be happy whats wrong with everybody
  11. Games fine pla as is quit tryna change it i use the ar against dmr all the time get better
  12. Jamesw01


    U should start with an ar not a br
  13. I think its fine i can use both fine on smaller maps i prefer the br long range i dont its fine.
  14. I would say getting the first shot in this game is the most crucial advice anyone can give and strafe man strafe.
  15. Im sorry for the personal attack i just strongly believe the games fin and wish it to continue this way instead if changing one thing and breaking another change in games is a bad thing and history will repeat itself
  16. Its good up close why dont u just stay at a distance that way its not a problem. Youre the problem fix how u play.
  17. Its fine use ur grenades easy headshot and only use on smaller maps
  18. What is this nonsense why does do u guys act like no one played the other halos. Why cant u mlg guys play the game how its intended to be. Starting with brs and no camo is just easy mode on halo 3. Can u guys really not see the invisible guy or cant pick up a br instead of starting with it. Garbage all of u i shun mlg for thinking they are true gaming shunnnnnn
  19. Thats cause its impossible Its called weapons excel at different ranges what if u had picked up a dmr and some else picked up a br. Same thing may happen where u dropped on ur head as a baby
  20. Ooooh boooo whooooo this scenario barely ever happens to me so and if it does to bad i get over it. Doesnt change my 25 kills game
  21. My fav perk but im good at grenades so i can use it or not seems like u depend on it. If u gotta u gottta i guess. What about ordnance priority that works well
  22. So to all those who cant adapt to the new game, cmon are u serious guys. Now i really hope they change things for u guys that sucks, i think the games fine as is but go ahead and change it cause guess what. All us that have adapted are gonna readapt for the small population that think its broken. Everything in this game has a counter to it. People saying that promethean vision should show active camo is stupid. U should notice camo users without seeing thru walls it shows up on ur radar. Anyway i hope they change everything for u whiners so i can still beat u but u wont complain.(but u still aill lets be serious)
  23. I seem to play just fine getting around 25 kills an average game so obviously yall are doin something wrong. Its not that he's homefree its that u gotta change ur tactic to win and if u cant too bad.
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