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Everything posted by Jamesw01

  1. Jamesw01


    Screw the ranking system( although i do wish for one atleast there no people commiting suicide over and over) id take doubles any day my favorite gametype. Its easy to comminicate with just two people i love it.
  2. Nice good thinkin outside the box
  3. Its as strong as a dmr and shoots faster and scopes in. Are u serious
  4. I use my pistol on big team games for the range. Sometimes i need to be able to pop a head off with it. Or even on just complex or abandon all depends how the games going. The boltshot doesnt force u to do anything thats just you not knowing the positive and negatives of each weapon. Ive have constantly used a plasma pistol and normal pistol to beat the boltshot. Ill use the the magnum by backing up and unleash five headshot. With the plasma pistol ill just fake left then strafe right shoot a charged shot melee them. No this doesnt always work out like that but i dont get mad and complain i say dam maybe i should of strafed left. Theres nothing wrong with someone beating u just learn from it.
  5. Im a jack of all trades like i said im gonna use a dmr on a big team game. But im use my storm rifle or ar on a close game. I even choose what im using depending on what others are using. Its called playing the game correctly.
  6. I understand adding a classic playlist. But the weapons are fine. Dmr is fine of course its gonna work well and your gonna choose it for big team battles. But when we go to haven youll get outgunned by an assault rifle up close. Boltshot is fine to, if ur complaining about how u get their shield and chase them around a corner and they kill u. Then why do u keep doing that, expect thats comin and engage a different way maybe throw a grenade or pop around the corner and back up so they miss. If they go around the corner and go off ur radar theyre obviously have crouched and are sitting there waiting for u. The bolshot easy to strafe and dodge, sure sometimes u die but u just got outplayed. I also enjoy the dmr fights more than the old br fights and makes strafing even more skill based considering it harder to dogde. If u miss ur screwed and makes it much more intense. Learn how to use each weapon correctly and how to counter them. Nothings overpowered if u can choose it to.
  7. You guys know that they pop up on your radar. I use camo and know how to counter it so maybe u guys should use it some more and learn its disadvantages. Then countering it would be easier.
  8. Its so cute that youll help people learn these.
  9. Its ok to lose a battle of wits. Lets just disagree on this matter.
  10. Your analogy was a good attempt but me choosing the boltshot is more like me choosing what kind of bowling ball i want. The ball(weapon) that im gonna do better with.
  11. Im not saying the boltshot takes a huge amount of skill im simply saying my tactics are beating yours if im winning doesnt matter how i win as long as i dont cheat.
  12. Sorry for comin at u sideways and the only part of luck in this game is ordnance drops. Me landing headshots or even pulling out a boltshot is my skill im hittin u and your not hitting me
  13. So me beating u doesnt mean i have more skill then u. How else can we tell if im better then u.
  14. I want to understand how if this game is so noob friendly (which i understand it is dont get me wrong) that u hardcore good players are being beaten by all these noobs. If its easy for them shouldnt it be even easier for u. Why is the boltshot and dmr killing u so easy.. Doesnt make anysense to me.
  15. Auto aim has always been in halo.
  16. Are people really not gettin that each weapon is supposed to be used differently. Grenades and carbine in my opinion work better than the dmr or br. I can shoot a lot more shots at the head then those. Start learning to play the game correct and stop blaming it for why u lose. Become a jack of all trades and quit actin like one weapons destroying the game. They all have different purposes and people sayin the carbine is underpowered just need to learn how to use it effectively.
  17. Dmr Boltshot Grenadier Explosives Active camo Frags Works well for me
  18. So u think the boltshot is overpowered. Slap
  19. BEST REPLYS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I barely lose too
  20. Cause i sure know what i dont do. I dont get on the forums and complain about problems with the game when its fine. I dont say the boltshots op cause i can choose it also. I mean cmon guys play better it may be frustating sometimes but work on your game and play better. Sometimes u lose its what happens. Altleast sound smart in your post and not make yourself sound like your not good. Sorry about complaining about complainers but its gettin outta hand. I seem to play fine and when i get beaten i hope for a rematch.
  21. Ar works fine for me. I can win with it upclose
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