Does anyone agree there annoying as ****. Waaaa waaaa my game isnt how it should be waaaaaaa. I just cant take it i watched the video where talking about it. Good job saying the most obvious things ever. Cry some for faggots. Sorry i just cant bunch of nerds whining. New game new rules new setup shut the **** up and get over. I disagree with alot of the parts of this game but crying the way they did on that video is just *** and annoying. Asking for nerfs and what not when the games fine.
Last thing is bitchin about custom game options why it is a valid point i agree with, i guess it the way they presented everything thats my problem. Nerd rage bs its like they act like their so much better than 343 mockin them. How bout u make a halo game for the way u want it no ones stoppin u. Faggots!!!!!!!!
Sorry for grammatical errors