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  1. Don't think it works no matter what you do. -O
  2. I haven't seen a replay on Forge Island period... ever. Has anyone?
  3. It appears killcams are absent when playing on Forge Island creations. Has this been discussed in another thread already or been acknowledged by 343? -O
  4. Going to DL this and give it a whirl. -O
  5. Cool, I've seen a few of these already but, I will try this one out to see how accurate it is. Dig the light coming through tho, looks cool. -O
  6. Looks cool, I'll have a look as well. Love the idea of a covenant themed map. -O
  7. \\_ PANOPTICON _// Panopticon is an intense, symmetrical, arena-style map with 4 points of entry (RED, BLUE, YELLOW & GREEN). The layout is an unforgiving center structure surrounded by calm, scenic vistas. The rest is self-explanatory.. Competitive map that supports: Slayer (up to 16), Multiteam, FFA/Regicide, Flood, CTF (w/vehicles), KOTH and Oddball. Download: Panopticon RECOMMENDED: Lower your in-game brightness setting by 1 notch. The map is subject to change. Continually evolving Unbiased comments/feedback is encouraged. \\_ Created by ORANGEDRONE _//
  8. Thanks? Think you almost tricked me into liking you haha. Yeah, it seems like this has turned into something else now hasn't it haha. I don't really know how that happened. I cetainly felt warranted with the things I wrote.. perhaps, my langauge could of been better. But, yeah "prick" is raising the bar a bit. I'm just not falling all over myself for their feedback which apparently many people on here are. I guess maybe I didn't realize exactly what this forum was until now (my apologies). I just wanted to get the map out there and start on another.
  9. Well, the haters gonna hate thing speaks to people dawging a map before playing..(and Psychoduck sight unseen calling me a failure) So, yeah that's kinda a logical thing for me to deduct there. Not being familiar with all the hidden rules of course The "I would never poo poo any of their insight" is a factual true statement.. as I would do nothing of the sort. (Not sure if you were taking that out of context or not though) And finally, the "yeah, no.. I'm good" simply means "No, thank you" Not sure what you took that to mean.. but, that's what it means. It's unfortunate sure, but, not really. Think I got bent out of shape by Able's incorrect statements.. that no one has since commented on.. I'm just suppose to pretend what he said was in-fact true. Even when issues he listed weren't actually issues at all. (EX: getting trapped by sheild doors.) But, I still took his advise and posted in TNT. But, then Phychoduck came in without even so much as touring the map in forge and starting in on me using words like "FAILURE". So, that's when I decided no thank you. Not AT ALL because I was afraid of any formal feedback but, because.. that's already the wrong way to operate. IMO. Their collective minds were already made up before even playing it. That's called being biased. I state way up above that I don't want biased feedback. So, forgive me if I lost interest. I'm sure someone somewhere sees it from my point of view.. if not, then, get me out of this twilight zone! But, yeah... actually I am pro feedback/criticism... but, as I tried to state earlier I know the difference between that and being gang-banged. -O
  10. Yeah, no.. I'm good. Please don't give me anymore feedback. Not that I can't handle it or anything.. The great irony here is that I actually am very PRO feedback/criticism. Only because, I received soo much of it before anyone here even played the map did I get turned off. Additionally, a few of Able's statements (that you blindly defended) were false.. Inaccurate. Maybe that was accidental.. who knows. But, doesn't really matter. That's fine. You all can apparently operate like that. But, please let me be absolutely clear: I no longer want any THFE feedback. I pulled my TNT post earlier today. It's already a weak community.. and if you guys keep on operating this way it's only going to get weaker. You kinda hinted to this yourself.. you prematurely swat more people away than you help. Is that really not lame? Maybe we are only to think your maps are cool? Who knows.. Who cares.. Peace, -O Mine does.
  11. It was an adjective to the word "setting".. obviously.
  12. And again.. here we go with the reviews based on everything but, competitive gameplay. Please delete my map from your xbox. Oh, and did you read the entire sentence where I used the word "professional" cause, it doesn't seem like it. How I get people to use different parts of the map is by use of ordinance drops. But, again, again, and again.. you can't get that from flying around in forge. And as much as I'm sure you don't believe this.. you are speculating. (And kinda cheerleading too)
  13. Wait what? How would you know they are valid? I play every friday with upwards of 16 talented forgers. I would NEVER poo poo any of their insight. Several of Able's points were not even accurate. (Ex: getting trapped inside or outside the structure due to sheild doors) This isn't even possible. I should know this more than anyone right? It's pure negative false speculation. Additionally, several of the others were not elobarated on. Neither of them played competitively on this map but, felt obligated to chime in and point out their percieved negative points. The second guy.. sight unseen!!!!!!! I am a designer for a living in a professional setting. I am no stranger to giving and recieving constructive critisism. Been doing that for over a decade now. But, you have to play the map 1st competitively. Meaning your trying to kill the other team(s) not just walking around looking at the map whilst getting killed etc.. At least 2v2. (4v4 recommended) That goes for anyone. Otherwise, I can't listen to the feedback. Honestly, no one should. Bottom line.. I don't care who you are.. you have to play it for your feedback to mean anything. Or don't play it. Makes no difference to me. But, don't just fly around in forge mode and come back here and start typing. -O
  14. Since everybody (including myself) has been incorrectly assigning the adjective "death trap" I decided to look it up.. haha. I was starting to get curious I viewed several Halo Reach "death trap" forge videos on YouTube.. - and yeah, while Panopticon may be an intimate arena-style map its definitly NOT a "death trap" there is plenty of cover in Panopticon! No one is forced or trapped anywhere!
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