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Everything posted by EverknightxIII

  1. Hey, names Everknight, or you can just call me Bill. I'm looking for a decent clan to join. I'm mainly looking for people who use teamwork and communication to successfully win the game and to get better. I'm also looking for a clan that spends more time on the game then it does on their website. I'm not much of a website guy. I'm the kind of guy that likes to play the game to have fun, win, and get better when i see the opportunity to. If anyone is interested then please message me on xbox live and not on here. I'm on xbox live basically every day and will see if anyone messages me. My GT is EverknightxIII. Also if age is required for anyones clan, I am 20 years old. Please dont let the sound of my voice on xbox live make you think I'm a little kid. The mic I use is getting kinda old and I need a new one. Hope to hear from someone. Take care and God bless.
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