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Everything posted by PlexVanguard

  1. The infinity fails on requiem. The didact (now digitized) luls them into a false sense of security (spartan ops) and blitzkriegs them with a new Promethean army (turns KIA spartan 4s into a new Promethean enemy, ie: Pro. Juggernaut, pro. Vanguard, Pro. Maelstrom, ect.) The infinity is destroyed and the Prometheans are preparing to burn the entire human empire. The M.C. must kill some covenant to make his way back to earth and in doing so meets the arbiter again. Thel agrees to lend the secular covenant fleet to his aid if he helps him end the civil war on sanghelios. Then they both prepare to fight the Promethean forces in the cyper belt.
  2. I think it will test his sanity to the maximum, and yet flush out his humanity. But at the end of halo 6, he will want answers, why he is feeling the way he feels, so he interrogates Halsey (campaign intro scene). Just my take on it.
  3. Badass, and well thought out, but the covenant races each have their own base language, and the holy language they all speak. So which is this? Sangelli? or the holy language?
  4. On either Heroic or Legendary, any map, and we take turns picking which map. Post if you wanna join up. GT:PlexVanguard
  5. I play ODST more then most halo fans nowadays, and I would play way more often if I had a group of friends who regularly wanted to play firefight.
  6. Needs a life pool system. Then it would be a lot more challenging and promote teamwork like ODST firefight did. It would end grabbing an AR+boltshot and mother Russia-ing the covenant until they die because you have infinite lives. Otherwise it is awsome.
  7. At the end of each season they should have a boss fight (season one should be Jul' Mdamee the Didact's hand.) They could have very tough shields, very damaging weapons, and an ability or 2. Also no respawning when fighting bosses (to make it a challenge) For example lets say Jul has shields 1.5 times as strong as that of a zealot, He wields a unique storm rifle in one hand and a sword in the other, He can cloak and will do so at random, and can throw 3 grenades at once. This is more of a general gist of what fighting a boss should be like.
  8. It is amazing, promotes team-play and tells a story that will explain much of what will happen in halo 5. It allows you to serve up your own style of covenant killing with varied objectives and maps. The only problem is how easy it is. If your whole team all dies, you do not lose, you respawn! Furthermore, it does not have an ODST-style life system either, so you can just rush them all day long and still prevail, even on Legendary.
  9. Good job, A fine review, I just wish you had reviewed spartan ops and its infinite re-spawn bullcrap. That is my one and only gripe with halo 4.
  10. Snipers never did feel like true halo. Swat I can dig, It requires skill and brains, makes you feel like a Trooper, which helps you feel for those poor ********...
  11. Your Spartan Ops gripes are sound, no challenge-no bother. Everything else is senseless whining I expected on a forum, goodbye.
  12. PlexVanguard


    We have always had them, some of us love em to bits, some of us team-kill them for ammo. How do you think Allies in general have fared in halo 4? In terms of usefulness, AI intelligence, and accuracy. I think thought Reach had the best trooper allies (Total crack-shots) Halo 4 with its Spartan-4 Allies might just turn the tide in your favor.
  13. PlexVanguard


    My favorite is tied between the elites and knights, both are tough customers, with different strategies in combat. (Please give answers at least as detailed as mine)
  14. I hope not. Halo has always been a 2-4 year game, because they care about it, not a cheap throw-away game (not naming any names here...) Secondly, what if the 720 is a fail? They don't wanna release halo 5 and have sales plummet because of a crap system, so if they do release it for the 720 they might (hopefully, I do not wanna buy a new console.) release 5 for both 360 and 720.
  15. Good job, I agree with you on a majority of topics, specifically on campaign and Spartan ops. I was kinda daunted whilst playing through spartan ops (Heroic at the time) and was shocked when we all died but did not lose, and instead re spawned like it was matchmaking, I hope they release a "Hardcore" version that either has an ODST-style life pool or a campaign-style you all die, you lose. Being without firefight is kinda sad, but I still get enjoyment out of ODST firefight. You sir should be praised for a fair review, however I do not find the DMR to be very very overpowered, maybe a slight rate-of-fire nerf should do, it is a precision weapon, so you have to have at least decent aim with it. Just my two cents.
  16. Super-soldiers are not really supposed to be lingerie models. (especially with the new policy of not altering the spartan emotions) If you honestly want to look at a hot girl, then look at a hot girl, this is a shooting game, so shoot.
  17. I do not see the problem with the DMR at all, 343 was brilliant in making multiple rifles all geared so that a diverse array of combat would develop, with the DMR king of long range, the carbine king of short range, and the battle rifle/light rifle proving to be the most versatile pick. I am (and always have been) a major fan of the DMR, which is kinda my whole spiel.
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