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Admiral Ackbar

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Everything posted by Admiral Ackbar

  1. So it's a full game. How much game time did you clock? And is there multiplayer? Or any DLC. It just seems that if you could beat it in 1 day, it's not worth getting.
  2. I can't master PV, but I've seen it used productively
  3. So sounds dumb. Is this like an arcade game? or a full game. Because if it was a full game it was terribly short..
  4. I think he was going for sarcasm.. Haha. But you're not a dork
  5. Shepard again. Guns and biotics would probably beat swords, magic, and shots.
  6. No, i think your point is valid lol
  7. I've yet to check out the multiplayer. But the campaign is actually really good!
  8. I actually enjoy Regicide from time to time. But I do hope they bring back lone wolves in the future.
  9. I like how fast the abilities drain. Otherwise it would be too easy.. You could just hang out cloaked all the time.
  10. I'm not too familiar with you. But it's sad to see you go. I hope that I was not one of the problem people that pushed away.
  11. I'm still not that far into the game. And I'm loving it! It's a lot of fun! Campaign is amazing so far
  12. Give it time. And you may end up Art Staff. It won't be right away
  13. It seems really fun. I like it a lot so far!
  14. I am so very sorry for your loss. You have this forum behind you for any help you may need. At least I know I will stand by you.
  15. So I just got the game the other day. And just now sat down and started playing it. I'm only 2 levels into the game. I like some of the abilities you have, and what not. I'm just curious as to what people think on here about it. i know it's an older game, but still wondering what your thoughts are on it. And I'll probably let you know my thoughts when I finish the game.
  16. That would be my issue. I like multiplayer and co-op for shooters. Based on what I've read, it's a FPS type game
  17. It scared me! Maybe one day spider and I will get along. But I don't think that will be anytime soon. We're actually in group therapy about our issues.
  18. I would normally get that. But I'm kind of broke right now. :/
  19. Even if they do throw a grenade after they die. If you're hanging back the grenade won't do much damage. I've yet to have too much trouble with that happening.
  20. Welcome to the forums! If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'll do my best to help you out. Or if I don't know the answer, I'll someone who does!
  21. Ok. That was an easy fix. Sorry I don't have any info on the man cannon situation.
  22. Welcome to the forums! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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