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Everything posted by Superusername2

  1. Most of the perks in this game are both incremental and fairly weak. I don't rely see what your trying to get at.
  2. Halo 4 is fun but the map variety and the lack of an assualt rifle start only mode is kicking the game in the balls in my opinion. Though I acutally liked reach (i didn't play after they updated it so not sure about now) Likign reach seems to make you a bit of an odd one on this forum it would seem. As an aside I started with Halo CE so it's not some sort of not knowing what real halo is bias.
  3. I think the Boltshot may be a bit strong for a starting weapon but also it is clearly to weak for an ordinance drop. This is where having map based weapons heled in the other halos me thinks. Every time I get a needeler in my ordinance I want to punch a baby adding boltshot to baby punching options is a no go.
  4. Saying that the bolt shot isn't much better than Plasma pistol+melle is somewhat laughable. Removing the melle from time to kill makes "power weapons" like the sword and hammer much worse. I don't even get excited when I see a melle weapon on the ground in many games because there is a good chance that even when you set yourself up to get in range with minimal to no harrassment the other side will just beat you with the Bolt shot. While Shotguns are better close up they only rely give you the ability to kill multiple enemies or correct for error as a proper shot with either the bolt shot or shotgun will be a one hit ko.
  5. I didn't find amor lock to be that annoying in reach and I wasn't a person that used it regurlarly. Hardlight sheild is almost useless in this game, reduced speed without better coverage just opens one up for so many angles of attack. Combine that with not being able to charge your sheild while it's up there are very few situations where it is all that usefull.
  6. Halo 4 reminds me of the multiplayer in Halo Reach.
  7. I think much of the flack rely is comming from a combination of loadouts and sprace map weaponry. The combination of the two has changed the way the game plays a ton and people are going to cryout against the change no matter how good or bad it was. I for one am not sure of it yet if they are for the better or not.
  8. the brute shot was a fun gun to use though somewhat overcomplicated for many players to use on the fly
  9. While i dont think it's op i tend to one shot with it more than i do with shotguns maybe it's just luck and i kill frequently slightly outside melle range as well.
  10. I havent noticed almost anyone using any of the assualt weapons that much to be honest. I don't think it's a noob weapon but the maps for the most part dont encourage situations where they are all that good for the most part.
  11. Whilke it is annoying to start in an uneven game or be thrown into games where you are at a huge disadvantage. It is very satisfying when you win that 2v4 match or you turn around that game where you started at -10 kills. So double edged sword i guess.
  12. I always see people saying there was to much bloom in reach but honestly I don't ever remember it being to much of an issue. I think the bigger issue we are having with the headshot guns is the fact that we have loadouts and there are four choices for the same role as opposed to two like other halos. If there is anything to complain about it would be covenant carbine being total balls.
  13. I have to agree with team damage comming back. If I want to greif my team i can just feed the enemy myself over and over and laugh as we loose due to my 30 deaths. Team damage promotes careful play in tense matches where a team kill could lose your side the game.
  14. I don't rely care if they add "assests" Just make them not so creepyily skinny. They are Spartans! 8 foot death machines they shouldn't be that skinny ever!
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