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Sin Kyler

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    Sin Kyler

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. 343 this is ridiculous! I took a day off work today to play online with some friends from overseas. I have been unable to connect since last night, over 16 hours ago. What have you done with my £50?! And what of the £40 I pay each year to MS? And why am I singled out? I can see/play against people with their full Spartan ranks. Why don't I have ANY access to Spartan Ops, even if I want to play alone? You've basically stolen a portion of the game from me by being incapable of hosting your own game online. No explanation, no apology. No service. I am very, very angry. Never, EVER had a problem like this with...say...a popular modern-world online shooter. If this persists beyond today, you won't be getting any more of my money, time, or the compliments I had previously been issuing concerning what was up to here, a great game. Would really appreciate an answer, because from what I read above, this appears to happen often...
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