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Everything posted by TheOneWhoKnocks

  1. Yet still no word from 343. They are denying service for over 4 days now and we have been in the dark the entire time. 343 has no place in creating halo it should have been stayed as a trilogy. They can't do anything right with this game.
  2. In the previous iterations of forge there hasn't been a lighting system and also have you seen halo 4's forge? A creative forger can make a map look unique and make it stand out from the rest. The maps we have currently don't strike me has memorable maps in the future [with the exception of adrift] reach also had very forgettable maps. Where as every halo 3 map [except isolation] was a classic that I believe all have the potential to be fun to play in halo 4 match making
  3. If this doesn't get done this game will surely fail [its already failed in a few other aspects]
  4. There are common reasons why players have been voicing opinions on forge maps in Match Making. Some people say there simply aren't enough maps or they aren't satisfied with the current rotation in place. Reach made the right move in implementing many forge maps into the playlists from day one making the game much more replayable in the long run. But my question is why stop there? 343i should be putting At Least 1 forge map into the rotation each week either it be a remake of a old halo classic or a brand new map. Even going as far to have contests for the community to create maps to be put into rotation for a limited time. Playlist changes with a new forge map every week would bring players back every week for more new content. This really is not hard. You have all the tools you need to make this happen. There is no reason 343i should be depriving their playerbase of content. Where as in reach there was even a community slayer playlist showcasing the maps made by the community for the community. Also what ever happened to stockpile or headhunter? Shouldn't they be added along with the coming Crimson map pack? Thoughts? Suggestions? Lets try to make this happen in the coming updates.
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