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Everything posted by blackknight479

  1. I have 25 challenges completed but its not giving me the challenger achievement I've had problems with the online since day one im getting sick of the bs 343 has made alot of money but there r so many problems with the online maybe if they would of released a beta these problems wouldn't be happening I've never had so many issues with a game its bullsh** It seems 343 don't care if people enjoy the game or not they haven't released any statements saying they r trying to fix anything
  2. So i got 25 of the challenges for the challenger achievement but i got no achievement wtf. im getting really pissed about all the problems i keep having in this game
  3. That's funny i think if it performed good online people wouldn't be complaining add me on xbox live and watch my videos in my file share then we will see how well u think it performs
  4. Didn't mean to go off topic im just sick of all the bull**** that keeps happening online
  5. I've had alot of problems look at all of my videos in my file share
  6. I hope so i been a big halo fan since halo 1 but im disappointed with this halo
  7. Ya im really disappointed with this game as well I've been a halo fan since halo 1 that's why i bought halo 4 but all the bs that happening is making me want to convert to cod because i feel like 343 just ripped everything from cod in the first place they just put spartons an some og halo weapons very disappointed they have ruined halo in my opinion
  8. blackknight479


    Why have there been so many problems in halo 4 war games. I have had problems since day one. like getting shot threw walls, me shooting people in the head with a sniper and them not dieing, hitting someone with sparton laser and it just takes there shield off, my load outs have reset 3 times already and my challengs reset once. there has been alot more things that is just insane im just giving small example of things. im just wondering why these things are happening
  9. blackknight479


    Why have there been so many problems in halo 4 war games. I have had problems since day one. like getting shot threw walls, me shooting people in the head with a sniper and them not dieing, hitting someone with sparton laser and it just takes there shield off, my load outs have reset 3 times already and my challengs reset once. there has been alot more things that is just insane im just giving small example of things. im just wondering why these things are happening
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