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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Just played through the single player and it was fantastic, one of the best SP experiences of 2012 for sure. I don't mind the co-op but I feel like it's a bit limiting considering how SP is the exact opposite. I've liked what multiplayer matches I've been able to get into but games seem few and far between. You're more likely to find a match on CoD 2 and 3 lolz. BUt there's just something about riding over a shark with a jetski and making a wallet that I can't get enough of.
  2. Holy hell settle down, these things can happen and I'm sure they're doing what they can to fix it. Maybe you can go outside today and entertain yourself some other way? It's people with ridiculous priorities like yours that will send the human race back to the stone age. It's a god damn video game.
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